Curt Hennig

Curt Hennig
Curt Hennig (d. 28 Mart 1958; ö. 10 Şubat 2003, Florida), ABD'li profesyonel güreşçi. Mr. Perfect takma adıyla güreşen sporcu 10 Şubat 2003'te 44 yaşında Florida'da kalp krizi sonucu öldü.
Dış bağlantılar
İlgili şablonlar |
WCW Dünya Takım Şampiyonluğu kemerini kazananlar |
- The Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Gene Anderson ve Ole Anderson)
- Paul Jones ve Wahoo McDaniel
- Rufus R. Jones ve Wahoo McDaniel
- Dino Bravo ve Mr. Wrestling
- Ric Flair ve Greg Valentine
- Dusty Rhodes ve Dick Slater
- Paul Jones ve Ricky Steamboat
- Baron von Raschke ve Greg Valentine
- Paul Orndorff ve Jimmy Snuka
- Baron Von Raschke ve Paul Jones
- Ric Flair ve Blackjack Mulligan
- Ricky Steamboat ve Jay Youngblood
- Ray Stevens ve Greg Valentine
- Ray Stevens ve Jimmy Snuka
- Paul Jones ve Masked Superstar
- Ivan Koloff ve Ray Stevens
- Ole Anderson ve Stan Hansen
- Don Kernodle ve Sgt. Slaughter
- Jack ve Jerry Brisco
- Don Kernodle ve Bob Orton Jr.
- Wahoo McDaniel ve Mark Youngblood
- Don Kernodle ve Ivan Koloff
- Manny Fernandez ve Dusty Rhodes
- The Russians (Ivan Koloff ve Nikita Koloff)
- The Rock 'n' Roll Express (Robert Gibson ve Ricky Morton)
- The Midnight Express (Dennis Condrey ve Bobby Eaton)
- Manny Fernandez ve Rick Rude
- Arn Anderson ve Tully Blanchard
- Lex Luger ve Barry Windham
- The Road Warriors (Animal ve Hawk)
- The Varsity Club (Mike Rotunda ve Steve Williams)
- The Fabulous Freebirds (Jimmy Garvin ve Michael Hayes)
- The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner ve Scott Steiner)
- Doom (Butch Reed ve Ron Simmons)
- The Enforcers (Arn Anderson ve Larry Zbyszko)
- Ricky Steamboat ve Dustin Rhodes
- Arn Anderson ve Bobby Eaton
- Terry Gordy ve Steve Williams
- Barry Windham ve Dustin Rhodes
- Ricky Steamboat ve Shane Douglas
- The Hollywood Blonds (Steve Austin ve Brian Pillman)
- Arn Anderson ve Paul Roma
- The Nasty Boys (Jerry Sags ve Brian Knobbs)
- Marcus Bagwell ve 2 Cold Scorpio
- Cactus Jack ve Kevin Sullivan
- Pretty Wonderful (Paul Roma ve Paul Orndorff)
- Stars and Stripes (Marcus Alexander Bagwell ve The Patriot)
- Harlem Heat (Booker T ve Stevie Ray)
- Dick Slater ve Bunkhouse Buck
- The American Males (Marcus Bagwell ve Scotty Riggs)
- Sting and Lex Luger
- The Public Enemy (Johnny Grunge ve Rocco Rock)
- The Outsiders (Kevin Nash ve Scott Hall)
- Lex Luger ve The Giant
- Sting ve The Giant/Kevin Nash
- Scott Hall ve The Giant
- Rick Steiner ve Kenny Kaos
- Barry Windham ve Curt Hennig
- Chris Benoit ve Dean Malenko
- The Filthy Animals (Rey Misterio Jr. ve Billy Kidman)
- Raven ve Perry Saturn
- The Jersey Triad (Diamond Dallas Page, Bam Bam Bigelow ve Kanyon)
- Chris Benoit ve Perry Saturn
- The West Texas Rednecks (Barry Windham ve Kendall Windham)
- The Filthy Animals (Konnan ve Rey Misterio Jr.)
- The Filthy Animals (Konnan ve Billy Kidman)
- The Harris Brothers/Creative Control (Ron Harris/Gerald ve Don Harris/Patrick)
- Bret Hart ve Goldberg
- David Flair ve Crowbar
- The Mamalukes (Johnny the Bull ve Big Vito)
- Shane Douglas ve Buff Bagwell
- KroniK (Brian Adams ve Bryan Clark)
- The Perfect Event (Shawn Stasiak ve Chuck Palumbo)
- Dark Carnival (The Great Muta ve Vampiro)
- The Filthy Animals (Rey Misterio Jr. ve Juventud Guerrera)
- Sean O'Haire and Mark Jindrak
- The Misfits In Action (Lieutenant Loco ve Corporal Cajun)
- The Boogie Knights (Alex Wright ve Disco Inferno)
- The Insiders (Diamond Dallas Page ve Kevin Nash)
- The Natural Born Thrillers (Chuck Palumbo ve Sean O'Haire)
| | WWF | |
New World Order |
World Championship Wrestling |
nWo | | | nWo Japan |
- Masahiro Chono
- Keiji Mutoh
- Hiro Saito
- Hiroyoshi Tenzan
- Satoshi Kojima
- The Wo Sting
- Buff Bagwell
- Scott Norton
- Michael Wallstreet
- Akira
- Tatsutoshi Goto
- Michiyoshi Ohara
- Brian Adams
- Big Titan
| | nWo Hollywood | | | nWo Wolfpac | | | nWo "Elite" | | | nWo "Black and White" |
- The Giant
- Curt Hennig
- Vincent
- Scott Norton
- Brian Adams
- Horace Hogan
- Stevie Ray
- Barry Windham
- Mark "Slick" Johnson
| | nWo 2000 | |
| |
Birinci | | | İkinci | | | Üçüncü | | | Dördüncü | |
| |
WWE Hall of Fame |
1990'lar |
1993 | | | 1994 | | | 1995 |
- Antonino Rocca
- Ernie Ladd
- The Fabulous Moolah
- George Steele
- The Grand Wizard
- Ivan Putski
- Pedro Morales
| | 1996 | |
| |
2000'ler |
2004 | | | 2005 | | | 2006 | | | 2007 | | | 2008 |
- The Brisco Brothers (Gerald Brisco ve Jack Brisco)
- Eddie Graham
- Gordon Solie
- Mae Young
- Peter Maivia
- Ric Flair
- Rocky Johnson
| | 2009 | |
| |
2010'lar |
2010 | | | 2011 |
- Abdullah the Butcher
- Bob Armstrong
- Drew Carey
- Jim Duggan
- The Road Warriors (Road Warrior Hawk, Road Warrior Animal ve Paul Ellering)
- Shawn Michaels
- Sunny
| | 2013 | | | 2014 | | | 2015 | | | 2016 | |