
Southampton Adası

Southampton Adası (İnuikçe: Shugliaq)[1] Kanada'da Foxe Havzası'nın Hudson Körfezi girişinde yer alan büyük bir adadır. Kanada Arktik Adaları'nın büyük bir üyesidir. Nunavut'un Kivalliq Bölgesi'nde yer alır. 41.214 km2 (15,913 mi2) alanı kaplar.[2] Dünyanın 34., Kanada'nın 9. en büyük adasıdır. 2011 sayımına göre adada 814 kişi ikamet etmektedir.



  1. Issenman, Betty. Sinews of Survival: The living legacy of Inuit clothing. UBC Press, 1997. pp252-254
  2. Statistics Canada

Ek okumalar

  • Bird, J. Brian. Southampton Island. Ottawa: E. Cloutier, 1953.
  • Brack, D. M. Southampton Island Area Economic Survey With Notes on Repulse Bay and Wager Bay. Ottawa: Area & Community Planning Section, Industrial Division, Dept. of Northern Affairs and National Resources, 1962.
  • Mathiassen, Therkel. Contributions to the Physiography of Southampton Island. Copenhagen: Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1931.
  • Parker, G. R. An Investigation of Caribou Range on Southampton Island, Northwest Territories. Ottawa: Information Canada, 1975.
  • Pickavance, J. R. 2006. "The Spiders of East Bay, Southampton Island, Nunavut, Canada". Arctic. 59, no. 3: 276-282.
  • Popham RE. 1953. "A Comparative Analysis of the Digital Patterns of Eskimo from Southampton Island". American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 11, no. 2: 203-13.
  • Popham RE, and WD Bell. 1951. "Eskimo crania from Southampton Island". Revue Canadienne De Biologie / ̐ưedit̐ưee Par L'Universit̐ưe De Montr̐ưeal. 10, no. 5: 435-42.
  • Sutton, George Miksch, and John Bonner Semple. The Exploration of Southampton Island. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Institute, 1932.
  • Sutton, George Miksch. The Birds of Southampton Island. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Institute, 1932.
  • VanStone, James W. The Economy and Population Shifts of the Eskimos of Southampton Island. Ottawa: Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, Dept. of Northern Affairs and National Resources, 1959.
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