Vestibüler sistem
Vestibüler sistem, çoğu memelilerde denge ve uzaysal oryantasyon duyusuyla ilişkili, motor koordinasyon ve denge duyusuna liderlik eden duyu sistemidir. İşitme sisteminin bir parçası olan koklea ile birlikte iç kulakta bulunan labirentte ve kulak vestibulumunda yerleşmiştir. Vestibüler sistem iki ana bileşenden oluşur: lineer ivmelenmeleri tanıyan otolitler ve dönme hareketlerini tanıyan semisirküler kanal sistemi. Vestibüler sistem öncelikli sinyallerini göz hareketlerini kontrol eden nöral yapılara ve dik bir duruş sağlamak için kaslara gönderir.
- S. M. Highstein, R. R. Fay, A. N. Popper, editors (2004). The vestibular system. Berlin: Springer. ISBN 0-387-98314-7. (Comment: A book for experts, summarizing the state of the art in our understanding of the balance system)
- Thomas Brandt (2003). Vertigo : Its Multisensory Syndromes. Berlin: Springer. ISBN 0-387-40500-3. (Comment: For clinicians, and other professionals working with dizzy patients.)
- Driver Drowsiness: Is something missing? J. Christopher Brill, Peter A. Hancock, Richard D. Gilson. University of Central Florida (2003) link (Comment: Research on driver or motion-induced sleepiness aka 'sopite syndrome' links it to the vestibular labyrinths.)
- Saladin, Kenneth S. Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function, Sixth Edition. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010.
- [1] Kimura R.S. (1969). Distribution, structure and function of dark cells in the vestibular labyrinth. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. 78, 542-561.
- [2] Pikrell J.A. Oehme F.W. and Cash W.C. (1993). Ototoxicity in dogs and cats. Sem. Vet. Med. Surg. Sm. Anim. 8, 42-49.
- [3] Quraishi I.H. and Raphael R.M. (2006). Computational model of vectorial potassium transport by cochlear marginal cells and vestibular dark cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 292:C591-C602.
- [4] Takumida M. (1999). Vestibular Dark Cells and Supporting Cells. Equilib Res. 193-198. 0385-5716.
- [5] McGuirt J.P. Schulte B.A. (1994). Distribution of immunoreactive alpha- and beta-subunit isoforms of Na,K-ATPase in the gerbil inner ear. Histochem Cytochem; 42: 843–53.
- [6] Crouch J.J. Sakaguchi N. Lytle C. Schulte B.A. (1997). Immunohistochemical localization of the Na-K-Cl co-transporter (NKCC1) in the gerbil inner ear. Histochem Cytochem; 45: 773–8.
- [7] Forge A. Wright T. (2002). The molecular architecture of the inner ear. Br Med Bull. 63 (1): 5-24. doi: 10.1093/bmb/63.1.5.
- [8] Vetter D.E. Mann J.R. Wangemann P. (1996). Inner ear defects induced by null mutation of the isk gene. Neuron; 17: 1251–6.

Dış bağlantılar
- (Video) Head Impulse Testing site (vHIT) Site with thorough information about vHIT
- SensesWeb, which contains animations of all sensory systems, and additional links.
- Online Community for Sufferers of Vertigo and Dizziness.
- Vestibular System, Neuroscience Online (electronic neuroscience textbook)
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