
Yılın Dünya Basın Fotoğrafı

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Yılın Dünya Basın Fotoğrafı (İngilizce: World Press Photo of the Year), Hollandalı vakıf World Press Photo tarafından Dünya Basını Fotoğraf Ödülleri kapsamında verilen, foto muhabirliğinin en prestijli ödülüdür. Ödülle birlikte 10.000 verilir.


Yıl Fotoğrafçı Konusu Tanımı Bağlantı
1955 Danimarka Mogens von Haven Otomobil yarışı 28 Ağustos 1955'de, Randers, Danimarka'da Volk Mølle Yarış Pisti'nde, bir motosikletçi kaza yapar. Resim
1956 Almanya Helmuth Pirath Savaştan eve dönüş II. Dünya Savaşı sonrasında Sovyetler Birliği tarafından serbest bırakılan Alman savaş esiri, küçüklüğünden beri görmediği kızıyla tekrar bir araya gelir. Resim
1957 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Douglas Martin Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde ırk ayrımı Dorothy Counts, şiddet eşliğinde, ırk ayrımı uygulamasına son verilen Harry Harding Lisesi'ne giden ilk Afrikalı Amerikan öğrencilerden biri olur. Resim
1958 Çekoslovakya Stanislav Tereba Futbol During a football game between the teams Sparta Praha and Červená Hvězda Bratislava, Sparta’s goalkeeper Miroslav Čtvrtníček stands on the football field in pouring rain. Resim
1959 Ödül verilmedi.
1960 Japonya Yasushi Nagao Suikast On 12 October 1960, the 17-year-old extreme right-wing student Otoya Yamaguchi kills the socialist politician Inejiro Asanuma with a sword during a speech in Tokyo’s Hibiya Hall. Resim
1961 Ödül verilmedi.
1962 Venezuela Héctor Rondón Lovera Venezuela'da ayaklanma During the El Porteñazo military rebellion, a dying soldier clings to a priest with sniper fire all around them. Resim
1963 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Malcolm Browne Vietnam'da Budistlerin bastırılması The Vietnamese monk Thich Quang Duc sets himself ablaze in protest against the persecution of Buddhists by the government of President Ngo Dinh Diem. Resim
1964 Birleşik Krallık Donald McCullin Kıbrıs Sorunu A Turkish woman mourns her dead husband, victim of the Greek-Turkish civil war. Resim
1965 Japonya Kyōichi Sawada Vietnam Savaşı A mother and her children wade through a river in Loc Thuong in the South Vietnamese province of Binh Dinh to escape US bombing. Resim
1966 Japonya Kyoichi Sawada Vietnam Savaşı On 24 February 1966, American troops drag the body of a Viet Cong fighter behind their M113 Armored Personnel Carrier for burial. Resim
1967 Hollanda Co Rentmeester Vietnam Savaşı The commander of an M48 Patton looks through his lens. This was the first colour photograph to win the award. Resim
1968 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Eddie Adams Vietnam Savaşı On 1 February 1968, the South Vietnamese police chief Nguyễn Ngọc Loan summarily executes Viet Cong prisoner Nguyễn Văn Lém on a street in Saigon with a bullet to the head. Resim
1969 Almanya Hanns-Jörg Anders The Troubles An Irish Catholic wearing a gas mask stands in front of a wall with the graffiti we want peace, moments before teargas is thrown by British troops. Resim
1970 Ödül verilmedi.
1971 Almanya Wolfgang Peter Geller Saarbrücken'de banka soygunu After a bank robbery in Saarbrücken, a shootout takes place between police and the bank robbers. Resim
1972 Güney Vietnam Nick Út Vietnam Savaşı The young Phan Thị Kim Phúc and other children flee with severe burns caused by napalm, dropped by South Vietnamese planes. Resim
1973 Şili Orlando Lagos Şili Darbesi On 11 September 1973, president Salvador Allende appears shortly before his death in the presidential palace La Moneda during General Pinochet’s military coup. Lagos's identity as the photographer was not revealed until February 2007, a month after his death. Resim
1974 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Ovie Carter Sahel kıtlığı, Nijer A small child suffers during a drought in Niger. Resim
1975 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Stanley Forman Yangın During a fire in a Boston apartment building, the fire escape collapses and a woman falls down with her daughter. The woman died at the scene of impact. Resim
1976 Fransa Françoise Demulder Lübnan İç Savaşı In January 1976, a group of Palestinian refugees flees civil war in Beirut. Resim
1977 Güney Afrika Leslie Hammond Apartheid The South African police tear-gas a group of demonstrators in Modderdam, near Cape Town. Resim
1978 Japonya Sadayuki Mikami Narita Uluslararası Havalimanı After years of protests by the public against the construction of Tokyo Narita Airport, it is ready to open when on 26 March 1978 serious clashes break out between demonstrators and the police. Resim
1979 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri David Burnett Kamboçya'da Kızıl Kmerlerin düşüşü In November 1979, in a refugee camp in Sa Keo near the Thai-Cambodian border, a woman holds her child in her arms. Resim
1980 Birleşik Krallık Mike Wells Karamoja, Uganda'da kıtlık In April 1980, a white missionary in northeastern Uganda holds the hand of a starving African boy. Resim
1981 İspanya Manuel Pérez Barriopedro Madrid'te 23-F darbe girişimi On 23 February 1981 Lieutenant-Colonel Antonio Tejero speaks with a gun in his hand before the Spanish Congress of Deputies, holding hostage the government and MPs. Resim
1982 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Robin Moyer 1982 Lübnan Savaşı On 18 September 1982, Palestinian corpses lie in the street in the aftermath of the Sabra and Shatila massacre, when Phalangist Maronite Christian militias killed Palestinian refugees. Resim
1983 Türkiye Mustafa Bozdemir 1983 Erzurum Depremi On 30 October 1983, following a devastating earthquake in the vicinity of Erzurum and Kars, Kezban Özer finds her five children buried alive. Resim
1984 Hindistan Pablo Bartholomew Bhopal felaketi The body of a child, killed in a chemical accident at the plant of US chemical company Union Carbide Corporation, is buried. Resim
1985 Fransa Frank Fournier Omayra Sánchez Sánchez, a victim of the Armero volcanic disaster, died after being trapped in a mud hole for 60 hours. Resim
1986 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri/İsrail Alon Reininger AIDS American AIDS patient Ken Meeks sits in a wheelchair. On his arms are numerous lesions caused by Kaposi's sarcoma. Resim
1987 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Anthony Suau 1987 Güney Kore başkanlık seçimleri On 18 December 1987, a desperate mother in Kuro, South Korea leans against a riot policeman’s shield and begs for mercy for her son, arrested during a demonstration. After the November election there were protests against the government, accused of electoral fraud. Resim
1988 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri David Turnley 1988 Spitak Depremi In Leninakan, Boris Abgarzian grieves for his 17-year-old son, a victim of the Armenian earthquake. Resim
1989 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Charlie Cole 1989 Tiananmen Meydanı Olayları A protester, later dubbed Tank Man, stops a group of battle tanks during the massacre in Tiananmen, Beijing. Resim
1990 Fransa Georges Merillon Kosova ihtilafı The family of Nashim Elshani grieves around his deathbed; he was killed while protesting for Kosovar autonomy. Resim
1991 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri David Turnley Körfez Savaşı US Sergeant Ken Kozakiewicz mourns the death of fellow soldier Andy Alaniz, killed by friendly fire. Resim
1992 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri James Nachtwey Somali'de kıtlık A Somali mother lifts up the body of her child, killed by malnutrition. Resim
1993 Kanada Larry Towell Filistin toprakları Palestinian children raise their toy guns in the air. Resim
1994 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri James Nachtwey Ruanda Soykırımı Hutu man mutilated by the Hutu Interahamwe militia, who suspected him of sympathizing with the Tutsi rebels. Resim
1995 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Lucian Perkins Birinci Çeçen Savaşı A boy peers out of a refugee-packed bus fleeing fighting near Shali, Chechnya and heading for Grozny. Resim
1996 İtalya Francesco Zizola Angola İç Savaşı Land mine victims play in the Angolan city of Kuito. Resim
1997 Cezayir Hocine Bir katliamın kurbanları için tutulan yas A woman mourns the victims of a massacre in Bentalha, Algeria. Resim
1998 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Dayna Smith Kosova ihtilafı Relatives and friends comfort the widow of a KLA fighter, shot dead while on patrol the previous day. Resim
1999 Danimarka Claus Bjørn Larsen Kosova Savaşı A wounded Kosovar Albanian refugee walks the streets of Kukës, Albania. Resim
2000 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Lara Jo Regan Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ne göç A Mexican immigrant works in order to feed her children. Resim
2001 Danimarka Erik Refner Afganistan'da mülteci krizi In the Jalozai refugee camp, the body of an Afghan boy is prepared for burial. Resim
2002 Ermenistan/Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Eric Grigorian İran'da deprem A boy holds the trousers of his dead father, killed in the 23 June 2002 earthquake. Resim
2003 Fransa Jean-Marc Bouju Irak Savaşı An Iraqi prisoner of war with a hood over his head comforts his son at a holding centre. Resim
2004 Hindistan Arko Datta 2004 Hint Okyanusu depremi ve tsunamisi Two days after the tsunami, a desperate Indian woman mourns a relative killed in Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu. Resim
2005 Kanada Finbarr O'Reilly Nijer gıda krizi A mother and her child wait for food in an emergency center in Tahoua, Niger. Resim
2006 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Spencer Platt 2006 Lübnan Savaşı Five young Lebanese ride in a convertible through the rubble of a bombed South Beirut. Resim
2007 Birleşik Krallık Tim Hetherington Afganistan Savaşı An exhausted American soldier leans against a wall and keeps his eyes covered. Resim
2008 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Anthony Suau Subprime mortgage krizi An armed officer moves through a home following residents' eviction as a result of mortgage foreclosure. Resim
2009 İtalya Pietro Masturzo 2009 İran cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimi An Iranian woman shouting from a rooftop in Tehran in protest against the result of Iranian presidential elections held in 2009. Resim
2010 Güney Afrika Jodi Bieber Taliban'ın kadınlara muamelesi Bibi Aisha, 18, was disfigured as retribution for fleeing her husband’s house in Oruzgan province, in the center of Afghanistan. At the age of 12, Aisha and her younger sister had been given to the family of a Taliban fighter under a Pashtun tribal custom for settling disputes. Resim
2011 İspanya Samuel Aranda Yemen'de protestolar A woman holds a wounded relative in her arms, inside a mosque used as a field hospital by demonstrators against the rule of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, during clashes in Sanaa, Yemen on 15 October 2011. Resim

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