
Vejetaryenler listesi

Bu listede vejetaryenliği benimsemiş tanınmış sanatçı, siyasetçi, biliminsanı vb. milliyetlerine göre sayılmıştır.

  Film, sahne, TV ve radyo dünyası
  Müzisyen, şarkıcı ve besteciler
  Politikacılar, devletadamları, eylemciler ve işadamları
  Yazarlar, sanatçılar, şair ve düşünürler
  Biliminsanları, mühendis ve sağlıkçılar
  Dini liderler, teologlar
  Modeller, tasarımcılar ve fotoğrafçılar





  Pippa Black[4][5]
  Peter Brock[6]
  Michael Guy Chislett[7]
  Desmond Ford[11][12]
  Percy Grainger[13]
  Darren Hayes (eskiden)[14]
  Missy Higgins[15][16]
  Daniel Johns (eskiden)[17][18]
  Jack Lindsay[19]
  Dannii Minogue (eskiden)[20]
  Sophie Monk[21]
  Xavier Rudd[22][23][24]




  Leonardus Lessius[34]
  Nic Balthazar[36]


  Éder Jofre[37]
  Rita Lee[38]
  Luisa Mell[39]



  František Kupka[45][46]
  Emmerich Rath[47]


  Stephen Chan Chi Wan[48]
  Simon Chau[49]
  14. Dalai Lama (eskiden)[52]
  Barbie Hsu[48]
  Jimmy Liao[48]
  Lo Wing-lok[48]
  Christine Loh[53]



  Jean-Antoine Gleizes[58]
  Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre[59][60]
  Surya Bonaly[61][62]
  Guillaume Thomas François Raynal[65]
  Voltaire (tartışmalı)[69]


  Peter Burwash[73]
Martina Navratilova
Brigitte Bardot
Albert Einstein
Gustav Struve
Mahatma Gandhi
George Bernard Shaw
Leonardo da Vinci
Anni-Frid Lyngstad, ABBA.
Leo Tolstoy
Jane Goodall
Jodie Marsh
Paul McCartney, The Beatles.
Dick Gregory
Hayden Panettiere
  J. D. Fortune[75]
  Reid Jamieson[76]
  Killer Kowalski
  Jayde Nicole[80]


  Saint Anthony[83]
  Saint Hilarion[84]


  Dirk Bach[86]
  Blixa Bargeld (eski)[76]
  Eva Briegel[90]
  Thomas D.[91]
  Georg Friedrich Daumer
  Alexander Hacke[96]
  Adolf Hitler (tartışmalı)[97] [98]
  Ralf Hütter[99]
  Nastassja Kinski[101]
  Lilli Lehmann
  Claire Loewenfeld[102]
  Gustav Struve[103]
  Richard Wagner (tartışmalı)[104][105][106]


  Aristoteles (tartışmalı)[108][109]


{{legend|brown|Socrates (tartışmalı)[123]



  Rukmini Devi Arundale[126]
  Büyük Aşoka[127]
  Sushil Kumar (güreşçi)[137]
  Swami Satchidananda[140]
  Fauja Singh[141][142]





  She'ar Yashuv Cohen[151]
  Toma Sik[155]


  Luigi Cornaro[158]
  Flavius Claudius Julianus[160]
  Gaius Musonius Rufus[163]
  Philip Neri[164]
  Quintus Sextius[165]
  Roberto de Nobili[167]


  Bob Marley(tartışmalı)[169]


  Alter Kacyzne[170]


  Francisco Madero[173]


  Chin Chin Gutierrez[174]
  Alicia Mayer[175]


  Amílcar de Sousa[189]

Roma İmparatorluğu

  İsa (tartışmalı)[192][193][194][195][196]


  Paolo Troubetzkoy[205][206]


  Eneko Llanos[209]

Sri Lanka


  Jens Holm[211]


  Abū al-‘Alā al-Ma‘arrī[214]


Bizans İmparatorluğu

Birleşik Krallık

  Joan Armatrading[224]
  Sir Edwin Arnold[225]
  Hilary Benn[228]
  Bramwell Booth[229]
  Charlotte Brontë (tartışmalı)[231]
  Sue Coe[235]
  Sir Stafford Cripps[236]
  Charles Darwin (tartışmalı)[238][239][240]
  Thomas Ignatius Maria Forster[59]
  Sadie Frost[241]
  Lewis Gompertz[242]
  Neil Harbisson [244]
  David Hartley[246]
  John Hawkesworth[247]
  Arnold Hills[248]
  Joanna Lumley[251]
  Bernard de Mandeville[252]
  Scott Maslen[254]
  Sir Paul McCartney[255][256][257]
  Thomas Muffet[258]
  Stuart Murdoch[259]
  Francis William Newman[260]
  Sir Isaac Newton (tartışmalı)[261]
  George Nicholson[262]
  John Oswald[263]
  Sir Richard Phillips[264]
  Thomas Pitfield[265]
  Jimmy Pursey[267]
  Joseph Ritson[269]
  Henry Stephens Salt[270]
  Cecil Sharp[272]
  Martin Shaw[273]
  Thomas Tryon[280]
  H. G. Wells (tartışmalı)[281]
  Howard Williams[283]

Birleşik Devletler

  Scott Adams[285]
  William Andrus Alcott[286]
  Lauren Anderson[287]
  Traci Bingham[95]
  Cesar Chavez [292]
  Chelsea Clinton
  Christofer Drew[296]
  Ralph Waldo Emerson (tartışmalı)[298]
  Kevin Eubanks[299]
  Joshua Evans[300]
  Doug Fieger[302]
  Prince Fielder[303]
  Alina Foley[305]
  Henry Ford (tartışmalı)[306]
  Sage Francis[308]
  Richard Gere (tartışmalı) [311]
  Sylvester Graham[313]
  Otoman Zar-Adusht Ha'nish[314]
  Paris Hilton (tartışmalı)[318][319]
  Michael Jackson(tartışmalı)[321][322]
  John Harvey Kellogg[327]
  Tony La Russa[329]
  Bonnie-Jill Laflin[330]
  Cloris Leachman[331]
  Linda McCartney[338]
  Meat Loaf (eskiden)[339]
  Shanna Moakler[342]
  Helen Nearing[344]
  Scott Nearing[345]
  Carré Otis[346]
  Fred Rogers[95]
  John Salley[352]
  Gabe Saporta[353]
  Nikolas Schiller[354]
  Christian Serratos[356]
  Henry Spira[362]
  Ruben Studdard[363]
  Mark Twain (tartışmalı)[367][368]
  Herschel Walker[371]
  Reese Witherspoon (eskiden)[52]


  Gabe Saporta
  Martin Sastre[376]

Hayali karakterler


  1. http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/387796/4/
  2. International Vegetarian Union - Iamblichus
  3. On the Pythagorean Life by Iamblichus
  4. http://www.pippa-black.com/Pippa/QuickFacts/
  5. Scoop: TV Star Goes Green for PETA's Ad Campaign
  6. Coetzee, J.,M., 2007. Diary of a Bad Year, Penguin Books, s.63–65
  7. Animals can't speak for themselves - it's up to us to do it, by J. M. Coetzee
  8. D. Ford, Worth More than a Million (Auburn, Cal.: Desmond Ford Publications, 1987).
  9. Reflections On Adventism: An Interview With Dr. Desmond Ford by Adventist Today FORUM. Retrieved 2007-10-25.
  10. International Vegetarian Union – Percy Grainger
  11. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/377992/missy_higgins_interview |title=Missy Higgins Interview — Video |publisher=Metacafe.com
  12. http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/food-fight-sam-takes-on-missy/2006/03/11/1141701737149.htmlTheage.com Retrieved on 05-17-07
  13. Silverchair's Daniel Johns.
  14. Daniel Johns – Biography
  15. Crook, E., 2006. Vegetarianism in Australia – 1788 to 1948: a cultural and social history, The Huntingdon Press, s.77.
  16. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/showbiz/news/a188427/ten-things-you-never-knew-about-dannii-minogue.html |title=Showbiz — News — Ten Things You Never Knew About Dannii Minogue
  17. Sophie Monk Poses Nude to Promote Vegetarianism
  18. http://www.incendiarymag.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=907
  19. Rocker Xavier Rudd Gets Real. Peta Asia-Pacific | Features. Retrieved on 2009-04-01.
  20. "World's Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrities". PETA. Retrieved February 18, 2008.
  21. http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2006/05/chew-right-thing
  22. Brod, M., 1995. Franz Kafka: A Biography, Da Capo Press Inc., p. 74, 109, 206
  23. International Vegetarian Union - Franz Kafka
  24. Franz Kafka – Vegetarian Activist
  25. A Conversation with Dr Helmut Kaplan
  26. International Vegetarian Union - Gustav Mahler
  27. Gabriel Engel, Gustav Mahler, Song Symphonist
  28. Gustav Mahler: Letters To His Wife, edited by Henry-Louis de La Grange and Gunther Weiss, Cornell University Press, 2004
  29. International Vegetarian Union - Rainer Maria Rilke
  30. Howard Williams,The Ethics of Diet - Leonardi Lessio
  31. International Vegetarian Union – Maurice Maeterlinck
  32. EVA - Nic Balthazar (Interview)
  33. Atletas Vegetarianos (Portekizce)
  34. (Portekizce)
  35. (Portekizce)
  36. Instituto Nina Rosa - A carne é fraca (Portekizce)
  37. Various articles by Dagomir Marquezi about animal rights and vegetarianism:
  38. José Oiticica, Ação direta : meio século de pregação libertária. Selecção, Introdução e Notas de Roberto das Neves. Rio de Janeiro : Editora Germinal, 1970, pp. 9-10.
  39. Navratilova, M., 2008. Champion on Fair Play. In I.E. Newkirk, ed. One Can Make a Difference, Adams Media, 2008.
  40. Supermodel Petra Nemcova Goes Vegan
  41. Andel, J. & Kosinski, D., 1997. Painting the universe: František Kupka, pioneer in abstraction.
  42. The Spiritual in art: abstract painting 1890-1985, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1987.
  43. International Vegetarian Union - Emrich Rath
  44. 1 2 3 4 http://www.vegsochk.org/yueso/ys147/ys14701.php
  45. The International Vegetarian Union on Chau
  46. http://www.ivu.org/history/east/china.html
  47. (Çince); Translated Version
  48. 1 2 Wiseman (2007)
  49. The International Vegetarian Union on the merge of two Hong Kong vegetarian societies
  50. http://www.nightwish.com/en/community/nightmail?month=09&year=2006
  51. http://www.hs.fi/urheilu/artikkeli/HS+etsii+Suomen+merkitt%C3%A4vint%C3%A4+urheilusaavutusta/1135228213483
  52. Follain, J., 2006. Brigitte Bardot. The Times Online, Life & Style, 9 Apr. Available at http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/article1072649.ece.
  53. P. Carton, La Vie saine, 190 Commentaires sur les Vers d'Or des Pythagoriciens, 1918; P. Carton, Traité de médecine, d'alimentation et d'hygiène naturistes, 1920; P. Carton, Le Naturisme dans Sénèque, 1922, etc.
  54. Howard Williams, The Ethics of Diet – Gleizes
  55. 1 2 Stuart, T. 2006. "The Bloodless Revolution", W. W. Norton & Company.
  56. Howard Williams,The Ethics of Diet - Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre
  57. http://www.ivu.org/people/sports/bonaly.html
  58. http://citizen-times.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2006612190312
  59. International Vegetarian Union - Alphonse de Lamartine
  60. Howard Williams,The Ethics of Diet - Jules Michelet
  61. António Feliciano de Castilho, A Primavera, segunda edição, Lisboa, 1837
  62. International Vegetarian Union -Élisée Reclus
  63. The Animal Rights Library –The Unpardonable Crime, by Romain Rolland
  64. International Vegetarian Union – Romain Rolland
  65. International Vegetarian Union - Voltaire
  66. Famous Belgians Marguerite Yourcenar
  67. L’humanisme et la cause animale
  68. "Shapefit.com". 22 Şubat 2014 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20140222050855/http://www.shapefit.com/pamela-anderson-diet-secrets.html. Erişim tarihi: 2007-02-26.
  69. http://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2006issue2/vj2006issue2action.htm
  70. Jim Carrey Biography, Monsters and Critics.com
  71. INXS' J.D. Fortune Wants You to Switch to Vegetarianism
  72. 1 2 ].</nowiki>
  73. K-OS, PETA2 Interview
  74. PETA2, K-OS Theory
  75. International Vegetarian Union – k.d. lang
  76. 'Playmate of the Year' Hawks (Faux) Hot Dogs
  77. Ecorazzi – Shania Twain
  78. Past Celebrity 'Sexiest Vegetarian Alive' Winners
  79. Roberts, H., 2004. Vegetarian Christian Saints, Anjeli Press. s. 22–23
  80. Roberts, H., 2004. Vegetarian Christian Saints, Anjeli Press. s. 24–25
  81. International Vegetarian Union - Lilli Lehmann
  82. http://www.happycow.net/famous/dirk_bach/ Dirk Bach is a vegetarian— Famous Vegetarians
  83. International Vegetarian Union: History of the German Vegetarian Societies
  84. International Vegetarian Union - Eduard Baltzer
  85. http://www.ivu.org/people/music/bluemchen.html
  86. peta.de about Eva Briegel's participation in their Go Veggie campaign, 2006 (in German)
  87. 1 2 PETA's Sexiest Vegetarian Winners Cause Global Warming
  88. list of famous vegetarians at HappyCow.net
  89. History of Vegetarianism— Albert Einstein
  90. http://www.ivu.org/people/music/froese.html
  91. 1 2 3 4 5 ]
  92. Kochen mit Alexander Hacke, 21.06.2005, intro.de (in German)
  93. International Vegetarian Union — History of Vegetarianism Vegetarian Societies
  94. , International Vegetarian Union (IVU)
  95. PETA Motive - Vegetarismus
  96. Nastassja Kinski is a vegetarian
  97. Gobell, Lisa. The House in the Sun, Ashgrove Press, 1986. ISBN 0-906798-65-5
  98. Williams (2003), s.271–281
  99. Williams (2003), s.371–374
  100. International Vegetarian Union – Richard Wagner
  101. International Vegetarian Union - Classical music and vegetarianism
  102. Howard Williams, The Ethics of Diet - Apollonius of Tyana
  103. International Vegetarian Union - Aristotle
  104. Aristotle was a vegetarian — Famous Vegetarians— by HappyCow
  105. Howard Williams,The Ethics of Diet - Clement of Alexandria
  106. Preece, R. ed., 2002 Awe for the Tiger, Love for the Lamb: A Chronicle of Sensibility to Animals. Routledge, s.41-42
  107. International Vegetarian Union – Empedokles
  108. International Vegetarian Union - Hesiod
  109. Howard Williams, The Ethics of Diet - Hesiod
  110. Animal Rights Histoy- Hesiod
  111. http://www.happycow.net/famous_vegetarians.php?orderby=firstname#P Famous Vegetarians — Vegan Celebrities by firstname- by HappyCow
  113. Animal Rights History - Plotinus
  114. International Vegetarian Union –Plutarch
  115. The Animal Rights Library – On the Eating of Flesh, by Plutarch
  116. International Vegetarian Union – Porphyry
  117. Animal Rights History - Pythagoras
  118. http://www.ivu.org/history/greece_rome/socrates.html History of Vegetarianism — Socrates (?470-399 BC)
  119. International Vegetarian Union - Theophrastus
  120. http://www.economist.com/books/displaystory.cfm?story_id=E1_GVVSVD&CFID=27802212&CFTOKEN=87558441
  121. International Vegetarian Union - Rukmini Devi Arundale
  122. International Vegetarian Union - King Asoka of India
  123. International Vegetarian Union - Kalam
  124. Satnam Interview with Amitabh Bachchan
  125. The Ethics of Diet- Sakya Muni
  126. Jon Wynne-Tyson (comp.), The Extended Circle: A Dictionary of Human Thought, Centaur Press, London, 2009, p. 77.
  127. K. Gandhi (1869–1948)
  128. http://specials.rediff.com/getahead/2004/oct/18ga-sd.htm
  129. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/1664802.cms
  130. International Vegetarian Union - Jiddu Krishnamurti
  131. Mary Lutyens, The life and death of Krishnamurti, 2003, p. 30.
  132. Olympian Sushil Kumar Says, 'Go Vegetarian'
  133. International Vegetarian Union - Srinivasa Ramanujan
  134. Sri Swami Satchidananda, The Healthy Vegetarian, Integral Yoga Publications, third edition, 1994, p. 115.
  136. Fauja Singh, 93, Champion International Marathon Runner, VEGETARIAN
  137. International Vegetarian Union - Rabindranath Tagore
  138. Sadeq Hedayat, Favayed-e Giyahkhari (The Advantages of Vegetarianism), 1927.
  139. Spiritual Traditions and Vegetarianism
  140. "Larry Mullen Jr is a vegetarian — Famous Vegetarians — Vegan Celebrities — by HappyCow". Happycow.net. http://www.happycow.net/famous/larry_mullen_jr/. Erişim tarihi: 2010-02-19.
  141. Crewe, Charity. "The Butcher Boy", Irish Tatler, February 2004.
  142. International Vegetarian Union - Shmuel Yosef Agnon
  143. Richard Schwartz, Ph.D. (ed.), Rabbinic Teachings on Vegetarianism
  144. Pavey, Sasha, "David D'Or interview; WOMADelaide Festival 2008, SBS World View Program - 6/13/08
  145. "Knesset: Animals don't have legal rights". Haaretz. 28 Kasım 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151128050442/http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/knesset-animals-don-t-have-legal-rights-1.5216.
  146. Animal Rights Day 2008
  147. Sik, Toma, 1939-2004
  148. International Vegetarian Union - History of Italian Vegetarian Societies
  149. Howard Willimas, The Ethics of Diet - Antonio Cocchi M.D.
  150. International Vegetarian Union - Luigi Cornaro
  151. Robin Kirkpatrick, The European Renaissance, 1400-1600, 2002, p. 88.
  152. Howard Williams,The Ethics of Diet - Emperor Julianus
  153. Animal Rights History – Leonardo da Vinci
  154. International Vegetarian Union – Leonardo da Vinci
  155. International Vegetarian Union – Musonius Rufus
  156. Roberts (2004), s.152
  157. Animal Rights Histoy- The Epistles of Lucius Annæus Seneca
  158. Olhar Literário - Laerte Fernando Levai - A “Pietá” de Piero Martinetti
  159. 'Historia do nascimento, vida e martyrio do Beato João de Britto', por Fernando Pereira de Britto, Lisboa, segunda edição, 1852, p. 37-39
  160. Howard Williams,The Ethics of Diet - Publius Ovidius Naso
  161. Schwartz (2001), s. 171
  162. Jolanta Bagurskienė, A.Mamontovas: „Žmonės, kurie nevalgo mėsos, visada yra pakilesni“
  163. Žymių žmonių pasisakymai apie gyvūnų išnaudojimą - Animal Rights Lithuania
  164. Francisco Madero Biography
  165. Stars Shine for PETA in the Philippines
  166. Alicia Mayer Challenges Men to 'Get It Up'
  167. History of the Portuguese Vegetarian Societies
  168. Dr. Indíveri Colucci, Higiene e Terapia Alimentares e Profilaxia das Doenças de Origem Artrítica, 18ª edição, Lisboa, 1986, pp. 34-35.
  169. Delmar Domingos de Carvalho, Vegetarianismo, a solução para uma vida e um mundo melhor, Editorial Minerva, Lisboa, 2009, p. 72
  170. Raul Brandão, Os Operários, Biblioteca Nacional, 1ª ed. 1984. pp. 249, 316.
  171. Frederico Francisco Stuart de Figanière e Morão (Viscount de Figaniére), Estudos Esotéricos: Submundo, Mundo, Supramundo, 1889.
  172. Os Grandes Portugueses
  173. Angelo Jorge. Irmania: novela naturista, book review
  174. O Vegetariano, V Volume, p. 232.
  175. A escolha de... Heitor Lourenço(Portekizce)
  176. Centro Vegetariano, Colóquio sobre Ética e a Defesa dos Animais
  177. Advogado António Maria Pereira, pai dos direitos dos animais em Portugal, morreu hoje (Público, 28-01-2009)
  178. O Vegetariano, V Volume, pp. 149-151,171.
  179. Centro Vegetariano: Entrevista com Romana (Portekizce)
  180. O Vegetariano: Mensário Naturista Ilustrado, Porto.
  181. Fred Vasques Homem, Curas sem operação, Lisboa, 1964.
  182. International Vegetarian Union – Tertullian
  183. ElMundo.es («Jesucristo era vegetariano», en diario El Mundo, suplemento Crónica, 385, 2003) (İspanyolca)
  184. Rynn Berry, Food for the Gods, Pythagorean Publishers, 1998
  185. Steven Rosen, Diet for Transcendence, Torchlight Publishing, Inc., 1997, p. 17-37.
  186. International Vegetarian Union - History of Vegetarianism - Jesus and the early Christians
  187. jesusveg.com
  188. International Vegetarian Union – Lous Andreas-Salome
  189. Peter Brang, Even without Pineapples
  190. History of the Russian Vegetarian Societies
  191. Goldstein, D. 1997. Is Hay Ony for Horses?. In Musya Glants and Joyce Toomre, eds. Food in Russian History and Culture. Indiana University Press.
  192. Goldstein (1997), s.110–114
  193. International Vegetarian Union - Tolstoy
  194. Leo Tolstoy, The First Step, 1892, Tolstoy – The First Step
  195. Ernest Howard Crosby, Tolstoy and His Message, London, 1904 [Elibron Classics facsimile, 2005], p. 88.
  196. International Vegetarian Union – Paul Troubetzkoy
  197. The Spiritual in art: abstract painting 1890-1985, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1987, p. 182
  198. Frommer's Barcelona, 2nd Edition. Peter Stone (2007). ISBN 978-0-470-09692-5
  199. International Vegetarian Union - Antoni Gaudi
  200. Eneko Llanos: "Pensé que el Ironman no era lo mío" (İspanyolca)
  201. Blay,Josep (2007) Lo Demas es silencio, Plaza & Janes. ISBN 978-84-01-30551-1
  202. www.jensholm.se
  203. Promoe om Svennebanan och Skäggig vegan - Press2Play.tv
  204. International Vegetarian Union - Emanuel Swedenborg
  205. Famous Vegetarians - Abu 'l-Ala Ahmad bin Abdallah al-Ma'arri
  206. Sabah Arşiv
  207. http://www.milliyet.com.tr
  208. Et yeme, sağlıklı ol
  209. Vejetaryen mönülü restoranların Kare As'ı
  210. International Vegetarian Union - St. Basil of Caesarea
  211. Spencer (2002), s.124
  212. International Vegetarian Union - John Chrysostom
  213. Glancey, Jonathan (1996) "Bring me your young, your disenchanted ",The Independent, 12 April 1996
  214. 15th World Vegetarian Congress 1957, The Voice of The Great - Today
  215. Wheatley, Jane "I want to be by myself", The Times, 19 June 2004
  216. International Vegetarian Union - Sir Edwin Arnold
  217. Smith, Pippa (15 April 2001). "Born Again Christian". Sunday Express. 26 Nisan 2012 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20120426090520/http://www.christianbale.net/articles/2001/sundayexpress2001.htm. Erişim tarihi: 2008-07-19.
  218. Jeff Beck interview in The Guitar Magazine
  219. Wintour, Patrick "Vegetarian minister faces big task in winning farmers' trust", The Guardian, 6 August 2007
  220. C. W. Leadbeater, Vegetarianism and Occultism, 1913, p. 24-25.
  221. Interview with Russell Brand
  222. http://www.ivu.org/people/writers/bronte.html
  223. Tanith, Carey "MOTHERING HEIGHTS; Kate Bush has a baby but lives like a virtual recluse", Daily Mirror, 17 July 2000
  224. International Vegetarian Union – Lord Byron
  225. "A Life in the Day: Alexa Chung", Sunday Times, 12 October 2008. Retrieved 2010-07-25.
  226. Sue Coe, Dead Meat, Four Walls Eight Windows, 1996.
  227. International Vegetarian Union - Sir Stafford Cripps
  228. http://web.archive.org/web/19981205075607/www.vegsoc.org/HQdata/cushing.html
  229. Preece, R, 2008. Sins of the Flesh: A History of Ethical Vegetarian Thought, University of British Columbia Press.
  230. International Vegetarian Union – Charles Darwin
  231. http://www.ivu.org/people/quotes/equality.html Vegetarian Union — Quotations and Poetry
  232. Sadie Frost Veggie Testemonial
  233. Lewis Gompertz, Peter Singer (ed.), Moral Inquiries on the Situation of Man and of Brutes, Open Gate Press, 1992.
  234. title=International Vegetarian Union — Jane Goodall
  235. "La veo en blanco y negro pero la escucho en color",La Vanguardia, 10 July 2010
  236. Selvin, Joel "George Harrison dies after long fight with cancer", San Francisco Chronicle, 20 November 2001
  237. International Vegetarian Union - David Hartley
  238. International Vegetarian Union –John Hawkesworth
  239. International Vegetarian Union – Arnold Hills
  240. International Vegetarian Union - Gustav Holst
  241. C. W. Leadbeater, Vegetarianism and Occultism, 1913.
  242. Osborn. Michael (2009) "Profile: Joanna Lumley", BBC
  243. International Vegetarian Union - Bernard de Mandeville
  244. Sexy Jodie Marsh Does Her Part for Animals
  245. http://www.peta.org.uk/feat/FeatureSexiestVegetarianCelebrity.asp
  246. Linda McCartney, by Danny Fields, Time Warner Paperbacks, 1 February 2001, ISBN 0-7515-2985-0
  247. ‘Bambi’ was cruel bbb.co.uk 12 December 2005. Retrieved: 29 January 2007
  248. McCartney vows to keep animal rights torch alight bbc.co.uk - 5 August 1998. Retrieved: 29 January 2007
  249. Howard Williams,The Ethics of Diet - Thomas Moffet M.D.
  250. 1 2 The 2008 World's Sexiest Vegetarians Are...
  251. International Vegetarian Union - Prof. Francis William Newman
  252. International Vegetarian Union – Sir Isaac Newton
  253. Henry Stephens Salt, Animals' Rights Considered in Relation to Social Progress Also an Essay on Vivisection in America, Macmillan & Co., 1894, pp. 117-119.
  254. Howard Williams, The Ethics of Diet - John Oswald
  255. International Vegetarian Union – Sir Richard Phillips
  256. International Vegetarian Union - Thomas Pitfield
  257. Excerpts from various writings: Animal Rights History – Alexander Pope
  258. Hey, Stan (2006) "Jimmy Pursey: Cup winner", The Independent, 10 June 2006
  259. http://www.ivu.org/history/williams/ray.html
  260. International Vegetarian Union – Joseph Ritson
  261. Henry Stephens Salt, The Logic Of Vegetarianism: Essays And Dialogues, Kessinger Publishing, 2009.
  262. MacRae, Fiona "Vegetarians are more intelligent, says study", Daily Mail, 14 December 2006
  263. International Vegetarian Union – Cecil Sharp
  264. "Martin Shaw Cooks Veggie", Viva!
  265. 1 2 International Vegetarian Union
  266. HappyCow
  267. Williams, H., 2003. The Ethics of Diet : A Catena of Authorities Deprecatory of the Practice of Flesh-eating, University of Illinois Press. :218–235
  268. International Vegetarian Union – Percy Bysshe Shelley
  269. International Vegetarian Union - Ringo Starr
  270. Ringo Starr: "Pertenezco a los 60 y me encanta el 'flower power'" La Vanguardia (İspanyolca)
  271. International Vegetarian Union – Thomas Tryon
  272. H.G. Wells is a vegetarian — Famous Vegetarians — Vegan Celebrities — by HappyCow
  273. International Vegetarian Union –The Ethics of Diet
  274. International Vegetarian Union - The Ethics of Diet, 1896 edition
  275. ‘The Mentalist’ Star Sheds Meat (and His Shirt)
  276. Mentioned in Dilbert: A Treasury of Sunday Strips
  277. International Vegetarian Union –William Andrus Alcott
  278. About Me
  279. Billie Joe Armstrong is a vegetarian — Famous Vegetarians — Vegan Celebrities — by HappyCow
  280. Sean Astin as a vegetarian from International Vegetarian Union
  281. Elizabeth Berkley: The Original Lettuce Lady
  282. http://www.abqtrib.com/news/2007/jun/23/voice-homer-simpson-leads-his-own-simple-life
  283. http://www.happycow.net/famous/cesar_chavez/
  284. Lewis Porter, John Coltrane: His Life and Music, The University of Michigan Press, p. 253-254, 274.
  285. International Vegetarian Union – John Coltrane
  286. peta2 // Out There // The World's Sexiest Vegetarians Are ...
  287. The Green Quote: “Never Shout Never’s” Christofer Drew Is VEG For The Planet
  288. Isadora Duncan, My Life", W. W. Norton & Co., 1996, pp. 40, 130, 221
  289. History of Vegetarianism — Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
  290. USA Today
  291. Gail Davis, Vegetarian Food for Thought: Quotations & Inspiration, NewSage Press, 1999, s.40
  292. Vegging Out With Vanessa Ferlito
  293. The Knack (band's website), Oct. 7, 2008
  294. Diet fit for a Prince
  295. GoVeg - An Interview with Jonathan Safran Foer
  296. Kiley, David. "First Henry Ford had wide-ranging interests" usatoday.com. June 10, 2003.
  297. GoVeg.com
  298. See through the lies the meat industry feeds you
  299. A collection of quotes about vegetarianism
  300. International Vegetarian Union – Benjamin Franklin
  301. Philip Glass
  302. International Vegetarian Union – Sylvester Graham
  303. Otoman Zar-Adusht Ha'nish, Mazdazan Dietetics and Cookery Book, 1913, p. 196-204.
  304. - Kirk Hammett is a Vegetarian
  305. ABC News - Daryl Hannah on Shopping Organic at Farmers' Markets
  306. Chi, Paul. "David Letterman Grills Anne Hathaway on Ex-Boyfriend." People.com. October 12, 2008.
  307. Paris Hilton Confirms She's An Anti-Fur Veggie
  308. http://vegetarianstar.com/2009/02/18/paris-hiltons-joke-vegetarian-birthday/
  309. The IVU is not sure whether Jackson is a vegetarian.
  310. Vegetarian Star - Michael Jackson Loved Tofu Enchiladas With Cheese, Green Sauce
  311. Jeru the Damaja – Out There (interview)
  312. Joan Jett Promotes Vegetarianism
  313. http://money.cnn.com/2008/03/02/news/companies/elkind_jobs.fortune/index.htm
  314. Famous vegetarians — Steve Jobs
  315. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg
  316. See his lyrics: Dope Beat, My Philosophy, Beef
  317. International Vegetarian Union - Tony LaRussa
  318. PETA's Sexy 'Bank On Your Health, Go Vegetarian' Ad
  319. Cloris Leachman Wears Nothing But Lettuce Leaves! US Weekly, March 31, 2009
  320. Richard Linklater Interview - Food Fighter
  321. Guardian.com, 'I've never been in the firing line like this before'
  322. Director Richard Linklater’s PETA Interview
  323. Singer at the End of Time: The Video Diary of Lisa Lopes
  324. Tobey Maguire Interview. Retrieved June 17, 2007.
  325. "Tobey Maguire" by Robert Masello, Parade, published April 1, 2007. Retrieved June 17, 2007.
  326. International Vegetarian Union – Linda McCartney
  327. Gordon Ramsay's F-Word, Season 4 Episode 6, 2009. [TV programme] Channel Four Television Corporation. Channel 4, 8 February 2009 21.00. Available at http://www.channel4.com/programmes/gordon-ramsays-f-word/4od#2922840 and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9VNrHwE-kk
  328. Buzzworthy Sneak Peek: Method Man & Redman’s Vegetarian Tips
  329. International Vegetarian Union – Yehudi Menuhin
  330. A Veggie Testimonial From Shanna Moakler!
  331. "The Vegetarian Athletes". Jivdaya.org. 24 Mart 2010 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20100324171722/http://www.jivdaya.org:80/vegetarian_athletes.htm. Erişim tarihi: 2010-02-19.
  332. Europena Vegetarian Union – Helen Nearing
  333. International Vegetarian Union – Scott Nearing
  334. Supermodel Carré Otis Wants You to Cast Fish Out of Your Kitchen
  335. Nearly Nude Maggie Q Says, 'Spice Up Your Life—Go Vegetarian'
  336. SoyStache interview with actress Alexandra Paul
  337. The Animal Rights Library – Tom Regan
  338. RZA Introduces His “RZA Veggie Burger”
  339. Rza, Unspoken Word
  340. John Salley Veggie Testimonial
  341. "The 2008 World's Sexiest Vegetarians Are... //Out There // peta2". 1 Temmuz 2012 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20120701181439/http://www.peta2.com:80/outthere/o-sexyveg08_winners.asp.
  342. Tommy Nguyen (2004-07-04). "Red, White and Golden Arches: The Star-Spangled Banner Ad". News (The Washington Post). http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A26531-2004Jul3.html. Erişim tarihi: 2009-11-01.
  343. "SERENITY – WickedPictures.com – aka Serenity Wilde". 1 Mayıs 2010 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20100501083936/http://www.wickedpictures.com:80/bio/p-z/Serenity.html.
  344. Carroll, Larry. "'Twilight' Stars Use Their Newfound Fame For Good Causes" MTV.com August 17, 2009
  345. The Green Quote: Sarah Silverman Shares Her Story Of Vegetarianism
  346. Isaac Bashevis Singer, Love and Exile: An Autobiographical Trilogy", Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 1984, pp. 49, 234-238
  347. International Vegetarian Union – Isaac Bashevis Singer
  348. Charles Patterson, This Boundless Slaughterhouse: The Compassionate Vision of Isaac Bashevis Singer
  349. Grace Slick rocks the world of meat
  350. Henry Spira: The Vagan.com Interview, by Erik Marcus
  351. Ruben Studdard slims down by going vegetarian
  352. Backstage Gourmet Quotes
  353. International Vegetarian Union – Nikola Tesla
  354. International Vegetarian Union – Ralph Waldo Trine
  355. http://www.happycow.net/famous/mark_twain/
  356. Fishkin, S.F. ed., 2009. Mark Twain's Book of Animals. University of California Press. p.316
  357. "Famous Vegetarians - Eddie Vedder". International Vegetarian Union.
  358. "Newsweek Magazine". [Retrieved on July 2, 2009]/
  359. NFL Superstar Herschel Walker Is A Proud Vegetarian « ecorazzi.com
  360. "Forest Whitaker: The King Of The Oscars?" CBS News. February 4, 2007.
  361. PSA for PETA PETA TV.
  362. White, E.G., Healthful Living (1897, 1898), The Health Food Ministry (1970) and The Ministry of Healing (1905).
  363. Rob Zombie Does Not Eat Flesh
  364. Martín Sastre, VIDEOART GALLERY
  365. "Friends" The One with George Stephanopoulos (1994)
  366. J. M. Coetzee, Elizabeth Costello
  367. H. G. Wells, The Time Machine, chapter IV.
  368. The Simpsons, season 7, ep 5: "Lisa the Vegetarian".
  369. The Journey to the West. Vernacular Chinese translation. Chapter 13
  370. Hoyle, Ryan, Identifying With Superman: Addressing Superman's Career Through Burkean Identification, Florida State University, 2008,
  371. The Journey to the West. Vernacular Chinese translation. Chapter 7
  372. The Journey to the West. Vernacular Chinese translation. Chapter 12
  373. "The King of Omashu". Director: Anthony Lioi; Writer: John O'Bryan. Avatar: The Last Airbender. Nickelodeon. 2005-03-18. No. 5, season 1.

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