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1950 öncesi

Yıl Film Hayatı Anlatılan Kişi(ler) Oyuncu(lar)
1899 Dreyfus'un Davası Fernand Labori Georges Méliès
1900 Jeanne d'Arc Jeanne d'Arc Bleuette Bernon
1905 Charles Peace'in Hayatı Charles Peace Walter Haggar
1906 Kelly Gang'in Hikayesi Ned Kelly Frank Mills
1909 Beethoven'ın Ayışığı Sonatının Kökeni Ludwig van Beethoven Harry Baur
Musa'nın Hayatı Hz. Musa Pat Hartigan
Şaul ve Davud Hz. Davud Maurice Costello
Şaul William V. Ranous
1910 Büyük Petro I. Petro Pyotr Voinov
1911 Eski Drury'nin Tatlı Nell'i Nell Gwyn Nellie Stewart
II. Charles Augustus Neville
1912 Custer'in Son Uçuşu George Armstrong Custer Francis Ford
Manger'den Cross'a Hz. İsa Robert Henderson-Bland
1913 Adrienne Lecouvreur Adrienne Lecouvreur Sarah Bernhardt
Yeniden Kapışmak Al Jennings Al Jennings
Richard Wagner'in Hayatı ve Çalışmaları Richard Wagner Giuseppe Becce
60 Yıllık Bir Kraliçe Kraliçe Victoria Louie Henri
1914 Evim, Tatlı Evim John Howard Payne Henry B. Walthall
Bethulia'nın Judith'i Judith Blanche Sweet
General Villa'nın Hayatı Pancho Villa Raoul Walsh
1915 Florence Nightingale Florence Nightingale Elisabeth Risdon
Metres Nell Nell Gwyn Mary Pickford
Kuzgun Edgar Allan Poe Henry B. Walthall
1916 David Garrick David Garrick Dustin Farnum
Davy Crockett Davy Crockett Dustin Farnum
Disraeli Benjamin Disraeli Dennis Eadie
Kadın Joan Jeanne d'Arc Geraldine Farrar
1917 Betsy Ross Betsy Ross Alice Brady
Kleopatra VII. Kleopatra Theda Bara
Fatih Sam Houston William Farnum
Romanovların Düşüşü II. Nikolay Alfred Hickman
Aleksandra Fyodorovna Nance O'Neil
Lincoln Döngüsü Abraham Lincoln Benjamin Chapin
Babam Abraham Lincoln Benjamin Chapin
Annem Abraham Lincoln Benjamin Chapin
Kendim Abraham Lincoln Benjamin Chapin
Siyah Rahip Rasputin Grigori Rasputin Montagu Love
1918 Casanova Giacomo Casanova Alfréd Deésy
Bana Aşık Olan Adam Mary MacLane Mary MacLane
David Lloyd George'un Hayat Hikayesi David Lloyd George Norman Page
Neden Amerika Kazanacak John J. Pershing Harris Gordon
Almanların Aşısı Olan Kadın Edith Cavell Julia Arthur
1919 Kurtuluş Helen Keller Ann Mason
Savaşçı Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt Herbert Bradshaw
Er Peat Harold R. Peat Harold R. Peat
1920 Das Schweigen am Starnbergersee II. Ludwig (Bavyera) Ferdinand Bonn
Eve Gidiş Babe Ruth Babe Ruth
1921 Disraeli Benjamin Disraeli George Arliss
1922 Dick Turpin'in York'a Girişi Dick Turpin Matheson Lang
Nero Neron Jacques Grétillat
Büyük Petro I. Petro Emil Jannings
Aşıkların Prensi Lord Byron Howard Gaye
1923 Sevimli Prens Charlie Charles Edward Stuart Ivor Novello
Columbus Kristof Kolomb Fred Eric
Friedrich Schiller - Eine Dichterjugend Friedrich Schiller Theodor Loos
Guy Fawkes Guy Fawkes Matheson Lang
Paris'in Mavi Sakalı Landru Henri Désiré Landru Wilhelm Sichra
Küçük Napolyon Napolyon Bonapart Egon von Hagen
Paganini Niccolò Paganini Conrad Veidt
10 Emir Hz. Musa Theodore Roberts
1924 Beau Brummel Beau Brummel John Barrymore
Abraham Lincoln'ün Dramatik Hayatı Abraham Lincoln George A. Billings
1925 Karel Havlíček Borovský Karel Havlíček Borovský Jan W. Speerger
1926 Alamonun Düşüşünde Davy Crockett Davy Crockett Cullen Landis
Josef Kajetán Tyl Josef Kajetán Tyl Zdenek Stepánek
Charles Chaplin'in Hayat Hikayesi Charlie Chaplin Chick Wango
Nell Gwyn Nell Gwyn Dorothy Gish
Nelson Horatio Nelson Cedric Hardwicke
1927 Kralların Kralı Hz. İsa H. B. Warner
Napoléon Napoleon Bonaparte Albert Dieudonné
Casanova'nın Aşıkları Giacomo Casanova Ivan Mozzhukhin
1928 Vatansever I. Pavel (Rusya) Emil Jannings
Jeanne d'Arc'ın Tutkusu Joan of Arc Renée Jeanne Falconetti
Aşkın Rüyası Adrienne Lecouvreur Joan Crawford
Luther Martin Luther Eugen Klöpfer
Haydut Tracy Harry Tracy Jack Hoy
Una nueva y gloriosa nación Manuel Belgrano Francis X. Bushman
1929 Disraeli Benjamin Disraeli George Arliss
Die Königsloge Edmund Kean Alexander Moissi
Kościuszko'nun İlk Aşkı Tadeusz Kościuszko Sykstus Lewicki
1930 Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Walter Huston
Çocuk Billy Billy the Kid Johnny Mack Brown
Dreyfus Alfred Dreyfus Fritz Kortner
Bir Leydi'nin Ahlakı Jenny Lind Grace Moore
Robert Burns'un Aşıkları Robert Burns Joseph Hislop
Bavyera Kralı II. Ludwig II. Ludwig (Bavyera) William Dieterle
1931 Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton George Arliss
1931 Dreyfus Alfred Dreyfus Cedric Hardwicke
1931 Mata Hari Mata Hari Greta Garbo
1931 A Portuguesa de Nápoles Eleonora Fonseca Pimentel Maria do Ceu Foz
1931 Yorck Ludwig Yorck von Wartenburg Werner Krauss
1932 El canto del ruiseñor Julián Gayarre José Romeu
1932 House of Death Fyodor Dostoyevsky Nikolai Khmelyov
1932 Jenny Lind Jenny Lind Grace Moore
1932 Rasputin and the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Ethel Barrymore
Grigori Rasputin Lionel Barrymore
1933 The Private Life of Henry VIII Henry VIII Charles Laughton
1933 Queen Christina Queen Christina of Sweden Greta Garbo
1933 Voltaire Voltaire George Arliss
1934 The Barretts of Wimpole Street Elizabeth Barrett Browning Norma Shearer
Robert Browning Fredric March
1934 Cleopatra Cleopatra VII Claudette Colbert
1934 The House of Rothschild Mayer Rothschild George Arliss
1934 The Iron Duke Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington George Arliss
1934 Love Time Franz Schubert Nils Asther
1934 The Mighty Barnum P. T. Barnum Wallace Beery
1934 Nell Gwynn Nell Gwynn Anna Neagle
1934 The Rise of Catherine the Great Catherine II of Russia Elisabeth Bergner
1934 The Scarlet Empress Catherine II "The Great" of Russia Marlene Dietrich
1934 Strauss' Great Waltz Johann Strauss II Esmond Knight
Johann Strauss I Edmund Gwenn
1934 Unfinished Symphony Franz Schubert Hans Jaray
1934 Viva Villa! Pancho Villa Wallace Beery
1934 Waltzes from Vienna Johann Strauss II Esmond Knight
1934 Za ranních cervánku Josef Dobrovský Karel Hasler
1935 Annie Oakley Annie Oakley Barbara Stanwyck
1935 Clive of India Robert Clive, 1st Baron Clive Ronald Colman
1935 Das Mädchen Johanna Joan of Arc Angela Salloker
1935 Diamond Jim Diamond Jim Brady Edward Arnold
1935 Drake the Pirate Francis Drake Matheson Lang
1935 Harmony Lane Stephen Foster Douglass Montgomery
1935 Milan Rastislav Štefánik Milan Rastislav Štefánik Zvonimir Rogoz
1935 Napoléon Bonaparte Napoleon Bonaparte Albert Dieudonné
1935 The Story of Louis Pasteur Louis Pasteur Paul Muni
1936 Bocage Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage Raul de Carvalho
1936 Daniel Boone Daniel Boone George O'Brien
1936 The Great Ziegfeld Florenz Ziegfeld Jr. William Powell
1936 Hearts Divided Elizabeth Patterson Bonaparte Marion Davies
Jérôme Bonaparte Dick Powell
1936 King August the Strong Augustus II the Strong Michael Bohnen
1936 Let's Go With Pancho Villa Pancho Villa Domingo Soler
1936 The Life and Loves of Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven Harry Baur
1936 Mary of Scotland Mary, Queen of Scots Katharine Hepburn
1936 The Plainsman Wild Bill Hickok Gary Cooper
1936 The Prisoner of Shark Island Samuel Mudd Warner Baxter
1936 Rembrandt Rembrandt Charles Laughton
1936 Rhodes of Africa Cecil Rhodes Walter Huston
1936 Robin Hood of El Dorado Joaquin Murrieta Warner Baxter
1936 The White Angel Florence Nightingale Kay Francis
1937 Auld Lang Syne Robert Burns Andrew Cruickshank
1937 Fire Over England Elizabeth I of England Flora Robson
1937 The Great Garrick David Garrick Brian Aherne
1937 The Great John Ericsson John Ericsson Victor Sjöström
1937 La paloma Charlotte of Belgium Medea de Novara
1937 Lenin in October Vladimir Lenin Boris Shchukin
1937 The Life of Émile Zola Émile Zola Paul Muni
1937 Parnell Charles Stewart Parnell Clark Gable
1937 Peter the First Peter the Great Nikolai Simonov
1937 The Toast of New York James Fisk Edward Arnold
1937 Victoria the Great Queen Victoria Anna Neagle
1937 William Tindale William Tyndale Alan Wheatley
1937 Young Pushkin Alexander Pushkin Valentin Litovsky
1938 Adrienne Lecouvreur Adrienne Lecouvreur Yvonne Printemps
1938 The Adventures of Marco Polo Marco Polo Gary Cooper
1938 Alexander Nevsky Alexander Nevsky Nikolay Cherkasov
1938 Boys Town Edward J. Flanagan Spencer Tracy
1938 The Childhood of Maxim Gorky Maxim Gorky Aleksei Lyarsky
1938 The Great Waltz Johann Strauss II Fernand Gravey
1938 The Life of Chopin Frédéric Chopin Frank Henderson
1938 Marie Antoinette Marie Antoinette Norma Shearer
1938 That Mothers Might Live Ignaz Semmelweis Shepperd Strudwick
1938 Pugachev Yemelyan Pugachev Yevgeny Matveyev
1938 Rasputin Grigori Rasputin Harry Baur
1938 Saint Theresa of Lisieux Thérèse of Lisieux Irène Corday
1938 Sixty Glorious Years Queen Victoria Anna Neagle
1939 Conquest of Peter the Great Peter the Great Nikolai Simonov
1939 The Flying Irishman Douglas Corrigan Douglas Corrigan
1939 Frontier Marshal Wyatt Earp Randolph Scott
1939 The Great Victor Herbert Victor Herbert Allan Jones
1939 Immortal Waltz Johann Strauss I Paul Hörbiger
1939 Jesse James Jesse James Tyrone Power
1939 Juarez Benito Juárez Paul Muni
1939 Kaiss wa leila Qays Badr Lama
Layla Al-Aamiriya Amina Rizk
1939 Lenin in 1918 Vladimir Lenin Boris Shchukin
1939 The Mad Empress Charlotte of Belgium Medea de Novara
1939 Man of Conquest Sam Houston Richard Dix
1939 Mulan Joins the Army Hua Mulan Chen Yunchang
1939 Nurse Edith Cavell Edith Cavell Anna Neagle
1939 On His Own Maxim Gorky Aleksei Lyarsky
1939 The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex Elizabeth I of England Bette Davis
Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex Errol Flynn
1939 Robert Koch, der Bekämpfer des Todes Robert Koch Emil Jannings
1939 The Story of Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Don Ameche
1939 The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle Vernon Castle Fred Astaire
Irene Castle Ginger Rogers
1939 Young Mr. Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Henry Fonda
1940 Abe Lincoln in Illinois Abraham Lincoln Raymond Massey
1940 Bismarck Otto von Bismarck Paul Hartmann
1940 Brigham Young Brigham Young Dean Jagger
1940 Confcius Confucius Tang Huaiqiu
1940 Das Herz der Königin Mary, Queen of Scots Zarah Leander
1940 A Dispatch from Reuter's Paul Reuter Edward G. Robinson
1940 Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet Paul Ehrlich Edward G. Robinson
1940 Edison, the Man Thomas A. Edison Spencer Tracy
1940 The Heart of a Queen Mary, Queen of Scots Zarah Leander
1940 Kit Carson Kit Carson Jon Hall
1940 Knute Rockne, All American Knute Rockne Pat O'Brien
1940 Lillian Russell Lillian Russell Alice Faye
1940 Lady with Red Hair Mrs. Leslie Carter Miriam Hopkins
1940 Rambrandt Rembrandt Jules Verstraete
1940 The Return of Frank James Frank James Henry Fonda
1940 The Rothschilds Nathan Mayer Rothschild Carl Kuhlmann
1940 Santa Fe Trail J.E.B. Stuart Errol Flynn
1940 Semmelweis Ignaz Semmelweis Tivadar Uray
1940 Swanee River Stephen Foster Don Ameche
1940 The Westerner Judge Roy Bean Walter Brennan
1940 Young Tom Edison Thomas A. Edison Mickey Rooney
1941 Belle Starr Belle Starr Gene Tierney
1941 Blossoms in the Dust Edna Gladney Greer Garson
1941 Carl Peters Karl Peters Hans Albers
1941 Die schwedische Nachtigall Jenny Lind Ilse Werner
1941 Friedemann Bach Wilhelm Friedemann Bach Gustaf Gründgens
1941 Hudson's Bay Pierre-Esprit Radisson Paul Muni
Médard des Groseilliers Laird Cregar
1941 Moi universitety Maxim Gorky Nikolai Valbert
1941 Ohm Krüger Paul Kruger Emil Jannings
1941 The Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli John Gielgud
1941 Sergeant York Alvin York Gary Cooper
1941 Suvorov Alexander Suvorov Nikolai Cherkasov-Sergeyev
1941 That Hamilton Woman Emma Hamilton Vivien Leigh
Lord Horatio Nelson Laurence Olivier
1941 Stepan Razin Stenka Razin Andrei Abrikosov
1941 They Died with Their Boots On George Armstrong Custer Errol Flynn
1941 You Will Remember Leslie Stuart Robert Morley
1942 Diesel Rudolf Diesel Willy Birgel
1942 The First of the Few R. J. Mitchell Leslie Howard
1942 Gentleman Jim James J. Corbett Errol Flynn
1942 The Great Mr. Handel George Frideric Handel Wilfrid Lawson
1942 Here Will I Nest Thomas Talbot John Sullivan
1942 La Symphonie fantastique Hector Berlioz Jean-Louis Barrault
1942 The Loves of Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe Shepperd Strudwick
1942 My Gal Sal Paul Dresser Victor Mature
1942 The Pride of the Yankees Lou Gehrig Gary Cooper
1942 Rembrandt Rembrandt Ewald Balser
1942 Rossini Gioachino Rossini Nino Besozzi
1942 Simón Bolívar Simón Bolívar Julián Soler
1942 Tennessee Johnson Andrew Johnson Van Heflin
1942 Wen die Götter lieben Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Hans Holt
1942 Yankee Doodle Dandy George M. Cohan James Cagney
1942 The Young Mr Pitt William Pitt the Younger Robert Donat
1943 Der Unendliche Weg Friedrich List Eugen Klöpfer
1943 Dixie Daniel Decatur Emmett Bing Crosby
1943 Forja de almas Andrés Manjón Raúl Cancio
1943 The Iron Major Frank Cavanaugh Pat O'Brien
1943 Is Everybody Happy? Ted Lewis Michael Duane
1943 Jack London Jack London Michael O'Shea
1943 Madame Curie Marie Curie Greer Garson
Pierre Curie Walter Pidgeon
1943 The Song of Bernadette Bernadette Soubirous Jennifer Jones
1943 Wien 1910 Karl Lueger Rudolf Forster
1944 The Adventures of Mark Twain Mark Twain Fredric March
1944 Buffalo Bill Buffalo Bill Joel McCrea
1944 The Fighting Sullivans Sullivan brothers
1944 The Great Moment William T. G. Morton Joel McCrea
1944 Henry V Henry V of England Laurence Olivier
1944 The Hitler Gang Adolf Hitler Bobby Watson
1944 Ivan the Terrible Ivan IV of Russia Nikolay Cherkasov
1944 La Malibran Maria Malibran Geori-Boué
1944 Roger Touhy, Gangster Roger Touhy Preston Foster
1944 Shine on Harvest Moon Nora Bayes Ann Sheridan
Jack Norworth Dennis Morgan
1944 Su mejor alumno Domingo Faustino Sarmiento Enrique Muiño
1944 Wilson Woodrow Wilson Alexander Knox
1944 Zoya Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya Galina Vodyanitskaya
1945 Caesar and Cleopatra Julius Caesar Claude Rains
Cleopatra VII Vivien Leigh
1945 Captain Eddie Eddie Rickenbacker Fred MacMurray
1945 Captain Kidd William Kidd Charles Laughton
1945 Dillinger John Dillinger Lawrence Tierney
1945 The Dolly Sisters Janszieka "Jenny" Dolly Betty Grable
Rozsika "Rosie" Dolly June Haver
1945 God Is My Co-Pilot Robert Lee Scott, Jr. Dennis Morgan
1945 Incendiary Blonde Texas Guinan Betty Hutton
1945 Pride of the Marines Al Schmid John Garfield
1945 Rhapsody in Blue George Gershwin Robert Alda
1945 A Royal Scandal Catherine II of Russia Tallulah Bankhead
1945 A Song to Remember Frédéric Chopin Cornel Wilde
1946 Anna and the King of Siam Anna Leonowens Irene Dunne
1946 Camões Luís de Camões Antonio Vilar
1946 Devotion Charlotte Brontë Olivia de Havilland
Emily Brontë Ida Lupino
Anne Brontë Nancy Coleman
1946 Gallant Journey John Joseph Montgomery Glenn Ford
1946 The Great Glinka Mikhail Glinka Boris Chirkov
1946 The Jolson Story Al Jolson Larry Parks
1946 The Magic Bow Niccolò Paganini Stewart Granger
1946 Magnificent Doll Dolley Madison Ginger Rogers
1946 Night and Day Cole Porter Cary Grant
1946 The Magic Bow Niccolò Paganini Stewart Granger
1946 The Razor's Edge W. Somerset Maugham Herbert Marshall
1946 Sister Kenny Elizabeth Kenny Rosalind Russell
1946 So Goes My Love Hiram Percy Maxim Don Ameche
1946 Till the Clouds Roll By Jerome Kern Robert Walker
1947 Albéniz Isaac Albéniz Pedro López Lagar
1947 The Fabulous Dorseys Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey
1947 Monsieur Vincent Vincent de Paul Pierre Fresnay
1947 My Wild Irish Rose Chauncey Olcott Dennis Morgan
1947 The Perils of Pauline Pearl White Betty Hutton
1947 Seine einzige Liebe Franz Schubert Franz Böheim
1947 Song of Love Clara Schumann Katharine Hepburn
Robert Schumann Paul Henreid
1947 Song of Scheherazade Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Jean-Pierre Aumont
1948 The Babe Ruth Story Babe Ruth William Bendix
1948 Bonnie Prince Charlie Charles Edward Stuart David Niven
1948 Brindis a Manolete Manolete Pedro Ortega
1948 El marqués de Salamanca José de Salamanca, 1st Count of los Llanos Fernando Aguirre
1948 The Iron Curtain Igor Gouzenko Dana Andrews
1948 Joan of Arc Joan of Arc Ingrid Bergman
1948 The Lame Devil (Le Diable boiteux) Talleyrand Sacha Guitry
1948 Macbeth Macbeth of Scotland Orson Welles
1948 Man to Men Henry Dunant Jean-Louis Barrault
1948 Saraband Philip Christoph von Königsmarck Stewart Granger
1948 The Mozart Story Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Hans Holt
1948 Words and Music Richard Rodgers Tom Drake
Lorenz Hart Mickey Rooney
1949 Alexander Popov Alexander Stepanovich Popov Nikolay Cherkasov
1949 Almafuerte Pedro Bonifacio Palacios Narciso Ibáñez Menta
1949 Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus Fredric March
1949 Docteur Laennec René Laennec Pierre Blanchar
1949 Eroica Ludwig van Beethoven Ewald Balser
1949 Heaven over the Marshes Maria Goretti Inés Orsini
1949 Hen. Gregorio del Pilar Gregorio del Pilar Jose Padilla, Jr.
1949 Padre Burgos Jose Burgos Jaime de la Rosa
1949 Ivan Pavlov Ivan Pavlov Aleksandr Borisov
1949 Jolson Sings Again Al Jolson Larry Parks
1949 Life of St. Paul Series Paul the Apostle Nelson Leigh
1949 Orpopojan valssi J. Alfred Tanner Sakari Halonen
1949 Samson and Delilah Samson Victor Mature
Delilah Hedy Lamarr
1949 The Stratton Story Monty Stratton James Stewart
1949 Young Girls of Vienna Karl Michael Ziehrer Willi Forst
1949 The Bad Lord Byron Lord Byron Dennis Price


Yıl Film Hayatı Anlatılan Kişi(ler) Oyuncu(lar)
1950 Annie Get Your Gun Annie Oakley Betty Hutton
1950 Cyrano de Bergerac Cyrano de Bergerac José Ferrer
1950 The Jackie Robinson Story Jackie Robinson Jackie Robinson
1950 Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Harold Tasker
1950 The Magnificent Yankee Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Louis Calhern
1950 Mussorgsky Modest Mussorgsky Aleksandr Borisov
1950 Over the Waves Juventino Rosas Pedro Infante
1950 The Petty Girl George Petty Robert Cummings
1950 Three Little Words Bert Kalmar Fred Astaire
Harry Ruby Red Skelton
1950 Young Daniel Boone Daniel Boone David Bruce
1950 Young Man with a Horn Bix Beiderbecke Kirk Douglas
1950 Zhukovsky Nikolay Yegorovich Zhukovsky Yuri Yurovsky
1951 David and Bathsheba King David Gregory Peck
Bathsheba Susan Hayward
1951 The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel Field Marshal Erwin Rommel James Mason
1951 Diego Silang Diego Silang José Padilla, Jr.
1951 Follow the Sun Ben Hogan Glenn Ford
1951 The Great Caruso Enrico Caruso Mario Lanza
1951 I'd Climb the Highest Mountain William Asbury Thompson William Lundigan
1951 I Was an American Spy Claire Phillips Ann Dvorak
1951 I'll See You in My Dreams Gus Kahn Danny Thomas
1951 Jim Thorpe – All-American Jim Thorpe Burt Lancaster
1951 The Lady and the Bandit Dick Turpin Louis Hayward
1951 The Lady with the Lamp Florence Nightingale Anna Neagle
1951 The Magic Box William Friese-Greene Robert Donat
1951 Silver Glory D. W. Griffith John Newland
1951 Valentino Rudolph Valentino Anthony Dexter
1951 Wherever She Goes Eileen Joyce Suzanne Parrett
1952 Above and Beyond Paul Tibbets Robert Taylor
1952 Blackbeard the Pirate Blackbeard Robert Newton
1952 Carbine Williams David Marshall Williams James Stewart
1952 Dr.Schweitzer Albert Schweitzer Pierre Fresnay
1952 The Girl in White Emily Barringer June Allyson
1952 Hans Christian Andersen Hans Christian Andersen Danny Kaye
1952 I Dream of Jeanie Stephen Foster Bill Shirley
1952 The Iron Mistress James Bowie Alan Ladd
1952 Kalle Karlsson från Jularbo Calle Jularbo Jan-Olof Lindstedt
1952 Million Dollar Mermaid Annette Kellerman Esther Williams
1952 Moulin Rouge Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec José Ferrer
1952 No Greater Love Bertha von Suttner Hilde Krahl
1952 The Pride of St. Louis Dizzy Dean Dan Dailey
1952 Procès au Vatican Thérèse of Lisieux France Descaut
1952 The Secret Conclave Pope Pius X Henri Vidon
1952 Somebody Loves Me Blossom Seeley Betty Hutton
Benny Fields Ralph Meeker
1952 Stars and Stripes Forever John Philip Sousa Clifton Webb
1952 The Story of Will Rogers Will Rogers Will Rogers, Jr.
1952 Taras Shevchenko Taras Shevchenko Sergei Bondarchuk
1952 Viva Zapata! Emiliano Zapata Marlon Brando
1952 The Winning Team Grover Cleveland Alexander Ronald Reagan
1952 With a Song in My Heart Jane Froman Susan Hayward
1952 The Young Caruso Enrico Caruso Ermanno Randi
1952 Young Chopin Frédéric Chopin Czesław Wołłejko
1953 The Actress Ruth Gordon Jean Simmons
1953 Admiral Ushakov Fyodor Ushakov Ivan Pereverzev
1953 Belinsky Vissarion Belinsky Sergei Kurilov
1953 Calamity Jane Calamity Jane Doris Day
1953 Chaimite Luís da Silva Mouzinho de Albuquerque Jacinto Ramos
1953 Crazylegs Elroy Hirsch Elroy Hirsch
1953 Dagohoy Francisco Dagohoy Mario Montenegro
1953 The Eddie Cantor Story Eddie Cantor Keefe Brasselle
1953 Franz Schubert Franz Schubert Heinrich Schweiger
1953 Houdini Harry Houdini Tony Curtis
1953 The I Don't Care Girl Eva Tanguay Mitzi Gaynor
1953 The Joe Louis Story Joe Louis Coley Wallace
1953 Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Marlon Brando
1953 The Lawless Breed John Wesley Hardin Rock Hudson
1953 The Life and Music of Giuseppe Verdi Giuseppe Verdi Pierre Cressoy
1953 Man of Music Mikhail Glinka Boris Smirnov
1953 Martin Luther Martin Luther Niall MacGinnis
1953 Melba Nellie Melba Patrice Munsel
1953 Puccini Giacomo Puccini Gabriele Ferzetti
1953 The President's Lady Andrew Jackson Charlton Heston
Rachel Donelson Robards Susan Hayward
1953 So This Is Love Grace Moore Kathryn Grayson
1953 The Story of Gilbert and Sullivan W. S. Gilbert Robert Morley
Arthur Sullivan Maurice Evans
1953 Young Bess Elizabeth I of England Jean Simmons
1954 Beau Brummell Beau Brummell Stewart Granger
1954 The Bob Mathias Story Bob Mathias Bob Mathias
1954 Canaris Wilhelm Canaris O. E. Hasse
1954 Cuando me vaya María Grever Libertad Lamarque
1954 Deep in My Heart Sigmund Romberg José Ferrer
1954 Der Komödiant von Wien Alexander Girardi Karl Paryla
1954 Der rote Prinz Archduke Johann Salvator of Austria (Johann Orth) Peter Pasetti
1954 Desirée Désirée Clary Jean Simmons
Napoleon Bonaparte Marlon Brando
1954 El joven Juárez Benito Juárez Humberto Almazán
1954 Ernst Thälmann Ernst Thälmann Günther Simon
1954 The Eternal Waltz Johann Strauss II Bernhard Wicki
1954 The Glenn Miller Story Glenn Miller James Stewart
1954 His Majesty O'Keefe David O'Keefe Burt Lancaster
1954 John Wesley John Wesley Leonard Sachs
1954 Rimskiy-Korsakov Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Grigori Belov
1954 Samurai I: Musashi Miyamoto Miyamoto Musashi Toshirō Mifune
1954 Sauerbruch – Das war mein Leben Ferdinand Sauerbruch Ewald Balser
1954 Seger i mörker Gustaf Dalén Olof Bergström
1955 Adriana Lecouvreur Adriana Lecouvreur Valentina Cortese
1955 Chief Crazy Horse Crazy Horse Victor Mature
1955 The Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell Billy Mitchell Gary Cooper
1955 Ernst Thälmann Ernst Thälmann Günther Simon
1955 The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing Evelyn Nesbit Joan Collins
1955 Interrupted Melody Marjorie Lawrence Eleanor Parker
1955 I'll Cry Tomorrow Lillian Roth Susan Hayward
1955 Lapu-Lapu Lapu-Lapu Mario Montenegro
1955 The Last Command James Bowie Sterling Hayden
1955 Lola Montès Lola Montez Martine Carol
1955 The Long Gray Line Martin Maher Tyrone Power
1955 Love Me or Leave Me Ruth Etting Doris Day
1955 Ludwig II: Glanz und Ende eines Königs Ludwig II of Bavaria O.W. Fischer
1955 Magic Fire Richard Wagner Alan Badel
1955 A Man Called Peter Peter Marshall Richard Todd
1955 Melodie immortali - Mascagni Pietro Mascagni Pierre Cressoy
1955 Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Oskar Werner
1955 Napoléon Napoleon Daniel Gélin (Young)
Raymond Pellegrin (Older)
1955 Prince of Players Edwin Booth Richard Burton
1955 Richard III Richard III of England Laurence Olivier
1955 Road to Life Anton Makarenko Vladimir Yemelyanov
1955 Samurai II: Duel at Ichijoji Temple Miyamoto Musashi Toshirō Mifune
1955 Seven Angry Men John Brown Raymond Massey
1955 Seven Cities of Gold Junípero Serra Michael Rennie
1955 The Seven Little Foys Eddie Foy, Sr. Bob Hope
1955 Säkkijärven polkka Viljo Vesterinen Sakari Jurkka
1955 To Hell and Back Audie Murphy Audie Murphy
1955 The Virgin Queen Elizabeth I of England Bette Davis
1955 Wiegenlied Ernestine Schumann-Heink Osa Massen
1956 Alexander the Great Alexander the Great Richard Burton
1956 Ang buhay at pag-ibig ni Dr. Jose Rizal José Rizal Eddie Del Mar
1956 The Benny Goodman Story Benny Goodman Steve Allen
1956 The Best Things in Life Are Free Buddy DeSylva Gordon MacRae
Ray Henderson Dan Dailey
Lew Brown Ernest Borgnine
1956 Daniel Boone, Trail Blazer Daniel Boone Bruce Bennett
1956 The Eddy Duchin Story Eddy Duchin Tyrone Power
1956 The Conqueror Genghis Khan John Wayne
1956 Heneral Paua Heneral Paua Danilo Montes
1956 The King and I Anna Leonowens Deborah Kerr
1956 Lust for Life Vincent van Gogh Kirk Douglas
1956 Magic Fire Richard Wagner Alan Badel
1956 Reach for the Sky Douglas Bader Kenneth More
1956 Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island Miyamoto Musashi Toshirō Mifune
1956 Somebody Up There Likes Me Rocky Graziano Paul Newman
1956 The Ten Commandments Moses Charlton Heston
Ramesses II Yul Brynner
1956 Walk the Proud Land John Clum Audie Murphy
1957 After the Ball Vesta Tilley Patricia Kirkwood
1957 Alfonsina Alfonsina Storni Amelia Bence
1957 The Barretts of Wimpole Street Elizabeth Barrett Browning Jennifer Jones
Robert Browning Bill Travers
1957 Battle Hymn Dean Hess Rock Hudson
1957 Beau James Jimmy Walker Bob Hope
1957 The Buster Keaton Story Buster Keaton Donald O'Connor
1957 En drömmares vandring Dan Andersson Jarl Kulle
1957 Fear Strikes Out Jimmy Piersall Anthony Perkins
1957 The Flying Dutchman Anthony Fokker Ton Kuyl
1957 The Helen Morgan Story Helen Morgan Ann Blyth
1957 Jeanne Eagels Jeanne Eagels Kim Novak
1957 A Lesson in History Georgi Dimitrov Stefan Savov
1957 Made in Germany - Die dramatische Geschichte des Hauses Zeiss Ernst Abbe Carl Raddatz
1957 Mahnı belə yaranır Süleyman Stalski K. Slanov
1957 Man of a Thousand Faces Lon Chaney, Sr. James Cagney
1957 Monkey on My Back Barney Ross Cameron Mitchell
1957 Nine Lives Jan Baalsrud Jack Fjeldstad
1957 Rasskazy o Lenine Vladimir Lenin Maksim Shtraukh
Nadezhda Krupskaya Mariya Pastukhova
1957 Rot ist die Liebe Hermann Löns Dieter Borsche
1957 Saint Joan Joan of Arc Jean Seberg
1957 The Spirit of St. Louis Charles Lindbergh James Stewart
1957 Stresemann Gustav Stresemann Ernst Schröder
1957 The Three Faces of Eve Chris Costner Sizemore Joanne Woodward
1957 The True Story of Jesse James Jesse James Robert Wagner
Frank James Jeffrey Hunter
1957 The Wings of Eagles Frank Wead John Wayne
1958 The Bonnie Parker Story Bonnie Elizabeth Parker Dorothy Provine
1958 Carve Her Name with Pride Violette Szabo Virginia McKenna
1958 The Csardas Princess Emmerich Kálmán Gerhard Riedmann
1958 Rosemary Rosemarie Nitribitt Nadja Tiller
1958 I Accuse! Alfred Dreyfus José Ferrer
1958 The Inn of the Sixth Happiness Gladys Aylward Ingrid Bergman
1958 Ivan the Terrible Ivan IV of Russia Nikolay Cherkasov
1958 I Want to Live! Barbara Graham Susan Hayward
1958 The Left Handed Gun Billy the Kid Paul Newman
1958 The Lovers of Montparnasse Amedeo Modigliani Gérard Philipe
1958 Machine-Gun Kelly Machine Gun Kelly Charles Bronson
1958 The Naked Maja Goya Anthony Franciosa,
1958 Rasputín Grigori Rasputin Narciso Ibáñez Menta
1958 Sebastian Kneipp Sebastian Kneipp Carl Wery
1958 The Silent Enemy Lionel Crabb Laurence Harvey
1958 St. Louis Blues W. C. Handy Nat King Cole
1958 Too Much, Too Soon Diana Barrymore Dorothy Malone
John Barrymore Errol Flynn
1959 Affäre Dreyfus Alfred Dreyfus
1959 Al Capone Al Capone Rod Steiger
1959 The Diary of Anne Frank Anne Frank Millie Perkins
1959 The Five Pennies Red Nichols Danny Kaye
1959 Gayarre Julián Gayarre Alfredo Kraus
1959 The Gene Krupa Story Gene Krupa Sal Mineo
1959 Glorious Mysteries (El Amo) Jesus Antonio Vilar
1959 The Great Impostor Ferdinand Waldo Demara Tony Curtis
1959 Hannibal Hannibal Victor Mature
1959 Herod the Great Herod the Great Edmund Purdom
1959 John Paul Jones John Paul Jones Robert Stack
1959 Leap to Fame Santiago Ramón y Cajal Adolfo Marsillach
1959 Love Now, Pay Later Rosemarie Nitribitt Belinda Lee
1959 The Redeemer Jesus Luis Álvarez
1959 Solomon and Sheba King Solomon Yul Brynner
Queen of Sheba Gina Lollobrigida


Yıl Film Hayatı Anlatılan Kişi(ler) Oyuncu(lar)
1960 Alfonso XII y María Cristina Alfonso XII of Spain Vicente Parra
Maria Christina of Austria Marga López
Bluebeard's Ten Honeymoons Henri Désiré Landru George Sanders
David and Goliath King David Ivica Pajer
King Saul Orson Welles
Esther and the King Esther Joan Collins
The Gallant Hours William Halsey, Jr. James Cagney
Hell to Eternity Guy Gabaldon Jeffrey Hunter
I Aim at the Stars Wernher von Braun Curd Jürgens
Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde Robert Morley
Por ti aprendí a querer Lorenzo Barcelata Antonio Maciel
Pretty Boy Floyd Pretty Boy Floyd John Ericson
Song Without End Franz Liszt Dirk Bogarde
Spartacus Spartacus Kirk Douglas
The Story of Ruth Ruth Elana Eden
Sunrise at Campobello Franklin D. Roosevelt Ralph Bellamy
Sweetheart of the Gods Renate Müller Ruth Leuwerik
The Trials of Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde Peter Finch
1961 Barabbas Barabbas Anthony Quinn
Bridge to the Sun Gwen & Hidenari Terisaki Carroll Baker & James Shigeta
Darclee Hariclea Darclée Silvia Popovici
El Cid El Cid Charlton Heston
The Flash Elorde Story Gabriel Elorde Gabriel Elorde
Francis of Assisi Francis of Assisi Bradford Dillman
Fray Escoba Martin de Porres René Muñoz
Galileo Galileo Galilei James Grout
The George Raft Story George Raft Ray Danton
Hoodlum Priest Father Charles Dismas Clark Don Murray
King of Kings Jesus Jeffrey Hunter
King of the Roaring 20s Arnold Rothstein David Janssen
Mad Dog Coll Mad Dog Coll John Davis Chandler
The Moises Padilla Story Moises Padilla Leopoldo Salcedo
Portrait of a Mobster Dutch Schultz Vic Morrow
A Story of David King David Jeff Chandler
1962 Birdman of Alcatraz Robert Franklin Stroud Burt Lancaster
Docteur Schweitzer Albert Schweitzer Jean-Pierre Marielle
Elgar Edward Elgar Peter Brett
Freud: The Secret Passion Sigmund Freud Montgomery Clift
Geronimo Geronimo Chuck Connors
Hitler Adolf Hitler Richard Basehart
Joseph and His Brethren Joseph Geoffrey Horne
Lawrence of Arabia T. E. Lawrence Peter O'Toole
The Miracle Worker Helen Keller Patty Duke
Annie Sullivan Anne Bancroft
No Man Is an Island George Ray Tweed Jeffrey Hunter
The Reluctant Saint Joseph of Cupertino Maximilian Schell
Salvatore Giuliano Salvatore Giuliano Pietro Cammarata
Sodom and Gomorrah Lot Stewart Granger
The Trial of Joan of Arc Joan of Arc Florence Delay
The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm Wilhelm Grimm Laurence Harvey
Jacob Grimm Karlheinz Böhm
1963 Al Nasser Salah Ad-Din Saladin Ahmed Mazhar
Cleopatra Cleopatra VII Elizabeth Taylor
Jacob, the Man Who Fought With God Jacob Fosco Giacchei
Landru Henri Désiré Landru Charles Denner
PT 109 John F. Kennedy Cliff Robertson
1964 Becket Thomas Becket Richard Burton
Henry II of England Peter O'Toole
Lady General Hua Mu-lan Hua Mulan Ivy Ling Po
Saul and David King David Gianni Garko
King Saul Norman Wooland
The Unsinkable Molly Brown Molly Brown Debbie Reynolds
Your Cheatin' Heart Hank Williams George Hamilton
1965 The Agony and the Ecstasy Michelangelo Charlton Heston
The Debussy Film Claude Debussy Oliver Reed
Genghis Khan Genghis Khan Omar Sharif
The Greatest Story Ever Told Jesus Max von Sydow
Harlow Jean Harlow Carroll Baker
Harlow Jean Harlow Carol Lynley
The Magnificent Yankee Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Alfred Lunt
A Man Named John Pope John XXIII Giovanni Rossi
A Patriot for Me Alfred Redl John Osborne
1966 Andrei Rublev Andrei Rublev Anatoly Solonitsyn
Born Free Joy Adamson Virginia McKenna
George Adamson Bill Travers
El Greco El Greco Mel Ferrer
Isadora Duncan, the Biggest Dancer in the World Isadora Duncan Vivian Pickles
Khartoum General Gordon Charlton Heston
Muhammad Ahmad Laurence Olivier
La vida de Pedro Infante Pedro Infante Jose Infante Cruz
A Man for All Seasons Thomas More Paul Scofield
Rasputin, the Mad Monk Grigori Rasputin Christopher Lee
The Singing Nun Jeanine Deckers Debbie Reynolds
1967 Bill Wallace of China Dr Bill Wallace Gregory Walcott
Bonnie and Clyde Bonnie Parker Faye Dunaway
Clyde Barrow Warren Beatty
Cervantes Miguel de Cervantes Horst Buchholz
Custer of the West George Armstrong Custer Robert Shaw
The Happiest Millionaire Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle, Sr. Fred MacMurray
Sofiya Perovskaya Sofiya Perovskaya Aleksandra Nazarova
1968 Bloody Che Contra Che Guevara Francisco Rabal
The Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach Johann Sebastian Bach Gustav Leonhardt
Anna Magdalena Bach Christiane Lang
Funny Girl Fanny Brice Barbra Streisand
Hrabina Cosel Anna Constantia von Brockdorff Jadwiga Barańska
Augustus II the Strong Mariusz Dmockowski
Isadora Isadora Duncan Vanessa Redgrave
The Lion in Winter Henry II of England Peter O'Toole
Eleanor of Aquitaine Katharine Hepburn
Star! Gertrude Lawrence Julie Andrews
Song of Summer Frederick Delius Max Adrian
1969 Alfred the Great Alfred the Great David Hemmings
Anne of the Thousand Days Henry VIII Richard Burton
Anne Boleyn Geneviève Bujold
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Butch Cassidy Paul Newman
Harry Longabaugh Robert Redford
The Color of Pomegranates Sayat-Nova Sofiko Chiaureli, others
Che! Che Guevara Omar Sharif
De Sade Marquis de Sade Keir Dullea
Emma Hamilton Emma Hamilton Michèle Mercier
Lord Horatio Nelson Richard Johnson
Posol Sovetskogo Soyuza Alexandra Kollontai Yuliya Borisova
Simón Bolívar Simón Bolívar Maximilian Schell
Where's Jack? Jack Sheppard Tommy Steele


Yıl Film Hayatı Anlatılan Kişi(ler) Oyuncu(lar)
1970 A Bullet for Pretty Boy Pretty Boy Floyd Fabian
Chisum John Chisum John Wayne
Cromwell Oliver Cromwell Richard Harris
The Cross and the Switchblade David Wilkerson Pat Boone
The Honeymoon Killers Martha Beck Shirley Stoler
Raymond Fernandez Tony Lo Bianco
Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Charlton Heston
Michael the Brave Michael the Brave Amza Pellea
Ned Kelly Ned Kelly Mick Jagger
Patton George S. Patton George C. Scott
Song of Norway Edvard Grieg Toralv Maurstad
Rikard Nordraak Frank Porretta
Szerelmi álmok – Liszt Franz Liszt Imre Sinkovits
Tropic of Cancer Henry Miller Rip Torn
The Wild Child Victor of Aveyron Jean-Pierre Cargol
1971 Brian's Song Brian Piccolo James Caan
The Devils Urbain Grandier Oliver Reed
Doc Doc Holliday Stacy Keach
Evel Knievel Evel Knievel George Hamilton
Macbeth Macbeth of Scotland Jon Finch
Mary, Queen of Scots Mary, Queen of Scots Vanessa Redgrave
Elizabeth I of England Glenda Jackson
The Music Lovers Pyotr Tchaikovsky Richard Chamberlain
Nicholas and Alexandra Tsar Nicholas II Michael Jayston
Tsaritsa Alexandra of Russia Janet Suzman
10 Rillington Place John Reginald Christie Richard Attenborough
1972 Adolf Hitler: My Part in His Downfall Spike Milligan Jim Dale
The Assassination of Trotsky Leon Trotsky Richard Burton
Aguirre, the Wrath of God Lope de Aguirre Klaus Kinski
Antony and Cleopatra Mark Antony Charlton Heston
Cleopatra VII Hildegarde Neil
Brother Sun, Sister Moon St. Francis of Assisi Graham Faulkner
St. Clare of Assisi Judi Bowker
Dirty Little Billy Billy the Kid Michael J. Pollard
The Great Waltz Johann Strauss II Horst Buchholz
Henry VIII and His Six Wives Henry VIII Keith Michell
Anne Boleyn Charlotte Rampling
Lady Caroline Lamb Lady Caroline Lamb Sarah Miles
Lady Sings the Blues Billie Holiday Diana Ross
The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean Judge Roy Bean Paul Newman
The Life of Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci Philippe Leroy
Living Free George Adamson Nigel Davenport
Joy Adamson Susan Hampshire
Ludwig Ludwig II of Bavaria Helmut Berger
Ludwig - Requiem for a Virgin King Ludwig II of Bavaria Harry Baer
The Mattei Affair Enrico Mattei Gian Maria Volonté
Pancho Villa Pancho Villa Telly Savalas
Pope Joan Pope Joan Liv Ullmann
Savage Messiah Henri Gaudier-Brzeska Scott Antony
Tadas Blinda Tadas Blinda Vytautas Tomkus
The Valachi Papers Joseph Valachi Charles Bronson
Young Winston Winston Churchill Simon Ward
1973 Dillinger John Dillinger Warren Oates
Edvard Munch Edvard Munch Geir Westby
Hitler: The Last Ten Days Adolf Hitler Alec Guinness
Jesus Christ Superstar Jesus Ted Neeley
The Last American Hero Junior Johnson Jeff Bridges
Lucky Luciano Lucky Luciano Gian Maria Volonté
Maurie Maurice Stokes Bernie Casey
Jack Twyman Bo Svenson
Papillon Henri Charrière Steve McQueen
Louis Dega Dustin Hoffman
Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid Pat Garrett James Coburn
Billy the Kid Kris Kristofferson
Serpico Frank Serpico Al Pacino
Walking Tall Buford Pusser Joe Don Baker
1974 The Abdication Queen Christina of Sweden Liv Ullmann
The Education of Sonny Carson Robert "Sonny" Carson Rony Clanton
The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Bruno S.
The Great McGonagall William McGonagall Spike Milligan
Lenny Lenny Bruce Dustin Hoffman
Mahler Gustav Mahler Robert Powell
Alma Mahler Georgina Hale
Stavisky Alexandre Stavisky Jean-Paul Belmondo
The Story of Jacob and Joseph Jacob Keith Michell
Joseph Tony Lo Bianco
1975 Babe Babe Didrickson Susan Clark
Capone Al Capone Ben Gazzara
Dog Day Afternoon Sonny Wortzik Al Pacino
Galileo Galileo Galilei Chaim Topol
The Happy Hooker Xaviera Hollander Lynn Redgrave
The Hiding Place Corrie ten Boom Julie Harris
Lepke Louis Buchalter Tony Curtis
Lisztomania Franz Liszt Roger Daltrey
Moses the Lawgiver Moses Burt Lancaster
Murph the Surf Jack Roland Murphy Don Stroud
The Naked Civil Servant Quentin Crisp John Hurt
The Other Side of the Mountain Jill Kinmont Marilyn Hassett
The Story of Adele H. Adèle Hugo Isabelle Adjani
Un prete scomodo Lorenzo Milani Enrico Maria Salerno
1976 Amelia Earhart (miniseries) Amelia Earhart Susan Clark
Bound for Glory Woody Guthrie David Carradine
Bruce Lee and I Bruce Lee Danny Lee
Betty Ting Pei Betty Ting Pei
Bruce Lee: The Man, The Myth Bruce Lee Bruce Li
Buffalo Bill and the Indians Buffalo Bill Paul Newman
The Disappearance of Aimee Aimee Semple McPherson Faye Dunaway
Eleanor and Franklin Franklin D. Roosevelt Edward Herrmann
Eleanor Roosevelt Jane Alexander
Fellini's Casanova Giacomo Casanova Donald Sutherland
Gable and Lombard Clark Gable James Brolin
Carole Lombard Jill Clayburgh
James Dean James Dean Stephen McHattie
The Last of Mrs. Lincoln Mary Todd Lincoln Julie Harris
The Message Muhammad Anthony Quinn
The Story of David King David Timothy Bottoms
Sybil Shirley Ardell Mason Sally Field
W.C. Fields and Me W. C. Fields Rod Steiger
1977 Chanakya Chandragupta Chanakya Akkineni Nageswara Rao
Chandragupta N. T. Rama Rao
The Amazing Howard Hughes Howard Hughes Tommy Lee Jones
Greased Lightning Wendell Scott Richard Pryor
The Greatest Muhammad Ali Muhammad Ali
MacArthur Douglas MacArthur Gregory Peck
Looking for Mr. Goodbar Roseann Quinn Diane Keaton
The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover J. Edgar Hoover Broderick Crawford
Rembrandt fecit 1669 Rembrandt Frans Stelling as (Rembrandt young)
Ton de Koff as (Rembrandt old)
Scott Joplin Scott Joplin Billy Dee Williams
Valentino Rudolph Valentino Rudolf Nureyev
Wilma Wilma Rudolph Shirley Jo Finney
1978 American Hot Wax Alan Freed Tim McIntire
Bud and Lou Bud Abbott Harvey Korman
Lou Costello Buddy Hackett
The Buddy Holly Story Buddy Holly Gary Busey
Ishi: The Last of His Tribe Ishi Eloy Casados
La Vida y Poesia de Julia de Burgos Julia de Burgos Ana Li Diaz
King (TV miniseries) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Paul Winfield
Midnight Express Billy Hayes Brad Davis
Pretty Baby Ernest J. Bellocq Keith Carradine
The Roads of Exile Jean-Jacques Rousseau François Simon
1979 Birth of The Beatles John Lennon Stephen MacKenna
Paul McCartney Rod Culbertson
George Harrison John Altman
Ringo Starr Ray Ashcroft
The Bronte Sisters Charlotte Brontë Isabelle Adjani
Emily Brontë Marie-France Pisier
Anne Brontë Isabelle Huppert
Caligula Gaius Germanicus Caligula Malcolm McDowell
Elvis Elvis Presley Kurt Russell
Escape from Alcatraz Frank Morris Clint Eastwood
Jesus Jesus Brian Deacon
Les Égouts du paradis Albert Spaggiari Francis Huster
Meetings with Remarkable Men George Gurdjieff Dragan Maksimovic


Yıl Film Hayatı Anlatılan Kişi(ler) Oyuncu(lar)
1980 Breaker Morant Breaker Morant Edward Woodward
Coal Miner's Daughter Loretta Lynn Sissy Spacek
The Elephant Man John Merrick John Hurt
Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones Jim Jones Powers Boothe
Heart Beat Neal Cassady Nick Nolte
Carolyn Cassady Sissy Spacek
Jack Kerouac John Heard
The Hunter Ralph "Papa" Thorson Steve McQueen
The Jayne Mansfield Story Jayne Mansfield Loni Anderson
Mickey Hargitay Arnold Schwarzenegger
Nijinsky Vaslav Nijinsky George de la Peña
The Ordeal of Dr. Mudd Samuel Mudd Dennis Weaver
Raging Bull Jake LaMotta Robert De Niro
The Secret of Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla Petar Božović
A Time for Miracles Elizabeth Ann Seton Kate Mulgrew
Where the Buffalo Roam Hunter S. Thompson Bill Murray
1981 Agony Grigori Rasputin Alexei Petrenko
The Bunker Adolf Hitler Anthony Hopkins
Chariots of Fire Harold Abrahams Ben Cross
Christiane F. – We Children from Bahnhof Zoo Christiane F. Natja Brunckhorst
Death of a Centerfold: The Dorothy Stratten Story Dorothy Stratten Jamie Lee Curtis
Paul Snider Bruce Weitz
Egon Schiele - Exzesse Egon Schiele Mathieu Carrière
The Girl with the Red Hair Hannie Schaft Renée Soutendijk
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Jacqueline Kennedy Jaclyn Smith
Lion of the Desert Omar Mukhtar Anthony Quinn
Mommie Dearest Joan Crawford Faye Dunaway
Peter and Paul Paul of Tarsus Anthony Hopkins
Peter the Fisherman Robert Foxworth
Reds John Reed Warren Beatty
Stand By Your Man Tammy Wynette Annette O'Toole
George Jones Tim McIntire
1982 Flight of the Eagle Salomon August Andrée Max von Sydow
Frances Frances Farmer Jessica Lange
Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi Ben Kingsley
Grace Kelly Grace Kelly Cheryl Ladd
The Grey Fox Bill Miner Richard Farnsworth
Missing Charles Horman John Shea
The Return of Martin Guerre Arnaud du Tilh Gérard Depardieu
Bertrande de Rols Nathalie Baye
The Royal Romance of Charles and Diana Charles, Prince of Wales Christopher Baines
Diana, Princess of Wales Catherine Oxenberg
The White Rose Sophie Scholl Lena Stolze
A Woman Called Golda Golda Meir Ingrid Bergman
1983 Adi Shankaracharya Adi Shankara Sarvadaman D. Banerjee
Banović Strahinja Strahinja Banović Franco Nero
Rita Hayworth: The Love Goddess Rita Hayworth Lynda Carter
Cross Creek Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Mary Steenburgen
Champions Bob Champion John Hurt
Danton Georges Danton Gérard Depardieu
Dempsey Jack Dempsey Treat Williams
Heart Like a Wheel Shirley Muldowney Bonnie Bedelia
Kennedy John F. Kennedy Martin Sheen
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Blair Brown
Living Proof: The Hank Williams, Jr. Story Hank Williams, Jr. Richard Thomas
Sadat Anwar El Sadat Louis Gossett, Jr
The Scarlet and the Black Hugh O'Flaherty Gregory Peck
Silkwood Karen Silkwood Meryl Streep
Star 80 Dorothy Stratten Mariel Hemingway
Paul Snider Eric Roberts
Wagner Richard Wagner Richard Burton
1984 Amadeus Antonio Salieri F. Murray Abraham
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tom Hulce
The Bounty Captain William Bligh Anthony Hopkins
First Mate Fletcher Christian Mel Gibson
The Jesse Owens Story Jesse Owens Dorian Harewood
The Killing Fields Sydney Schanberg Sam Waterston
Dith Pran Haing S. Ngor
Jon Swain Julian Sands
The Miracle Continues Helen Keller Mare Winningham
Puccini Giacomo Puccini Robert Stephens
Samson and Delilah Samson Max von Sydow
Delilah Belinda Bauer
1985 Colonel Redl Alfred Redl Klaus Maria Brandauer
Dance with a Stranger Ruth Ellis Miranda Richardson
God Rot Tunbridge Wells George Frideric Handel Trevor Howard
King David King David Richard Gere
Marie Marie Ragghianti Sissy Spacek
Mask Florence Dennis Cher
Roy L. Dennis Eric Stoltz
Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters Yukio Mishima Ken Ogata
Robert Kennedy & His Times Robert F. Kennedy Brad Davis
Out of Africa Karen Blixen Meryl Streep
Denys Finch Hatton Robert Redford
Sweet Dreams Patsy Cline Jessica Lange
Sylvia Sylvia Ashton-Warner Eleanor David
Wallenberg: A Hero's Story Raoul Wallenberg Richard Chamberlain
1986 The Boy in Blue Ned Hanlan Nicolas Cage
Castaway Gerald Kingsland Oliver Reed
Lucy Irvine Amanda Donohoe
George Washington II: The Forging of a Nation George Washington Barry Bostwick
Heartburn Nora Ephron Meryl Streep
Carl Bernstein Jack Nicholson
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer Henry Lee Lucas Michael Rooker
Lady Jane Lady Jane Grey Helena Bonham Carter
The Last Days of Frank and Jesse James Frank James Johnny Cash
Jesse James Kris Kristofferson
Romanza final Julián Gayarre José Carreras
Second Serve Renee Richards Vanessa Redgrave
Sid and Nancy Sid Vicious Gary Oldman
Nancy Spungen Chloe Webb
Thérèse Thérèse of Lisieux Catherine Mouchet
A Winner Never Quits Pete Gray Keith Carradine
1987 The Betty Ford Story Betty Ford Gena Rowlands
Blonde Dolly Blonde Dolly Hilde Van Mieghem
84 Charing Cross Road Helene Hanff Anne Bancroft
Frank Doel Anthony Hopkins
A Child Called Jesus Jesus Matteo Bellina
Cry Freedom Steve Biko Denzel Washington
Impossible Spy Eli Cohen John Shea
La Bamba Ritchie Valens Lou Diamond Phillips
LBJ: The Early Years Lyndon B. Johnson Randy Quaid
The Last Emperor Pu-Yi John Lone
Poor Little Rich Girl: The Barbara Hutton Story Barbara Hutton Farrah Fawcett
Prick Up Your Ears Joe Orton Gary Oldman
Kenneth Halliwell Alfred Molina
Shaka Zulu Shaka Henry Cele
The Untouchables Eliot Ness Kevin Costner
Al Capone Robert De Niro
Waiting for the Moon Gertrude Stein Linda Bassett
Alice B. Toklas Linda Hunt
Walker William Walker Ed Harris
Good Morning Vietnam Adrian Cronauer Robin Williams
1988 Bird Charlie Parker Forest Whitaker
Bloodsport Frank Dux Jean-Claude Van Damme
Camille Claudel Camille Claudel Isabelle Adjani
A Cry in the Dark Lindy Chamberlain Meryl Streep
David David Rothenberg Matthew Lawrence
Marie Rothenberg Bernadette Peters
Elvis and Me Elvis Presley Dale Midkiff
Priscilla Presley Susan Walters
Gorillas in the Mist Dian Fossey Sigourney Weaver
Hanna's War Hannah Szenes Maruschka Detmers
The Legendary Life of Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway Victor Garber
Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Sam Waterston
Onassis: The Richest Man in the World Aristotle Onassis Raul Julia
Patty Hearst Patty Hearst Natasha Richardson
Stand and Deliver Jaime Escalante Edward James Olmos
Tucker: The Man and His Dream Preston Tucker Jeff Bridges
Young Guns Billy the Kid Emilio Estevez
1989 Billy the Kid Billy the Kid Val Kilmer
Blaze Earl Long Paul Newman
Blaze Starr Lolita Davidovich
Born on the Fourth of July Ron Kovic Tom Cruise
Communion Whitley Strieber Christopher Walken
Francesco Francis of Assisi Mickey Rourke
Great Balls of Fire! Jerry Lee Lewis Dennis Quaid
Henry V Henry V of England Kenneth Branagh
The Karen Carpenter Story Karen Carpenter Cynthia Gibb
Lean on Me Joe Louis Clark Morgan Freeman
My Left Foot Christy Brown Daniel Day-Lewis
Paganini Niccolò Paganini Klaus Kinski
Romero Óscar Romero Raúl Juliá
Triumph of the Spirit Salamo Arouch Willem Dafoe
Winter of '54: Father Pierre Abbé Pierre Lambert Wilson
Wired John Belushi Michael Chiklis
Tjoet Nja' Dhien Cut Nyak Dhien Christine Hakim


Yıl Film Hayatı Anlatılan Kişi(ler) Oyuncu(lar)
1990 An Angel at My Table Janet Frame Karen Fergusson (child), Alexia Keogh (adolescent) and Kerry Fox (adult)
Awakenings Oliver Sacks Robin Williams
C.H. Spurgeon Tonight Charles Spurgeon Craig Skinner
Cyrano de Bergerac Cyrano de Bergerac Gérard Depardieu
A Dangerous Man: Lawrence After Arabia T. E. Lawrence Ralph Fiennes
Faisal I of Iraq Alexander Siddig
The Dreamer of Oz L. Frank Baum John Ritter
The Elegant Criminal Pierre François Lacenaire Daniel Auteuil
Europa Europa Solomon Perel Marco Hofschneider
A Family of Spies John Anthony Walker Powers Boothe
Good Evening, Mr. Wallenberg Raoul Wallenberg Stellan Skarsgård
Goodfellas Henry Hill Ray Liotta
Henry & June Henry Miller Fred Ward
June Miller Uma Thurman
Anaïs Nin Maria de Medeiros
Iron & Silk Mark Salzman Mark Salzman
The Krays The Kray twins Martin Kemp and Gary Kemp
The Nasty Girl Anna Rosmus Lena Stolze
Reversal of Fortune Claus von Bülow Jeremy Irons
Sunny von Bülow Glenn Close
Rock Hudson Rock Hudson Thomas Ian Griffith
Schweitzer Albert Schweitzer Malcolm McDowell
Vincent & Theo Vincent van Gogh Tim Roth
Theo van Gogh Paul Rhys
Young Guns II Billy the Kid Emilio Estevez
1991 Bugsy Bugsy Siegel Warren Beatty
Cabeza de Vaca Cabeza de Vaca Juan Diego
Dillinger John Dillinger Mark Harmon
The Doors Jim Morrison Val Kilmer
Impromptu Frédéric Chopin Hugh Grant
George Sand Judy Davis
JFK Jim Garrison Kevin Costner
The Josephine Baker Story Josephine Baker Lynn Whitfield
Lucy & Desi: Before The Laughter Lucille Ball Frances Fisher
Desi Arnaz Maurice Benard
Not Without My Daughter Betty Mahmoody Sally Field
Once Upon a Time in China Wong Fei-hung Jet Li
The Pistol: The Birth of a Legend Pete Maravich Adam Guier
Prisoner of Honor Georges Picquart Richard Dreyfuss
Tous les matins du monde Marin Marais Gérard Depardieu
Van Gogh Vincent van Gogh Jacques Dutronc
A Woman Named Jackie Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis Roma Downey
John F. Kennedy Stephen Collins
Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken Sonora Webster Carver Gabrielle Anwar
Young Catherine Catherine II of Russia Julia Ormond
1992 Amy Fisher: My Story Amy Fisher Noelle Parker
The Babe Babe Ruth John Goodman
Bonnie & Clyde: The True Story Bonnie Parker Tracey Needham
Clyde Barrow Dana Ashbrookt
Centre Stage Ruan Lingyu Maggie Cheung
Chaplin Charlie Chaplin Robert Downey, Jr.
Charles and Diana: Unhappily Ever After Charles, Prince of Wales Christopher Baines
Diana, Princess of Wales Catherine Oxenberg
Citizen Cohn Roy Marcus Cohn James Woods
1492: Conquest of Paradise Christopher Columbus Gérard Depardieu
Christopher Columbus: The Discovery Christopher Columbus Georges Corraface
Daens Adolf Daens Jan Decleir
Final Shot: The Hank Gathers Story Hank Gathers Victor Love
Hoffa Jimmy Hoffa Jack Nicholson
The Jacksons: An American Dream Jackson family various casts
The Last of His Tribe Ishi Graham Greene
Lorenzo's Oil Augusto Odone Nick Nolte
Michaela Odone Susan Sarandon
Malcolm X Malcolm X Denzel Washington
A River Runs Through It Norman Maclean Craig Sheffer
Ruby Jack Ruby Danny Aiello
Sinatra Frank Sinatra Philip Casnoff
Stalin Joseph Stalin Robert Duvall
Swoon Nathan Leopold Craig Chester
Richard Loeb Daniel Schlachet
1993 The Amy Fisher Story Amy Fisher Drew Barrymore
Belle van Zuylen - Madame de Charrière Isabelle de Charrière Will van Kralingen
Benjamin Constant Laus Steenbeeke
Benito Benito Mussolini Antonio Banderas
Cannibal! The Musical Alferd Packer Trey Parker
Casualties of Love: The Long Island Lolita Story Amy Fisher Alyssa Milano
Diana: Her True Story Diana, Princess of Wales Serena Scott Thomas
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story Bruce Lee Jason Scott Lee
Fong Sai Yuk Fong Sai Yuk Jet Li
Geronimo: An American Legend Geronimo Wes Studi
Heaven & Earth Le Ly Hayslip Hiep Thi Le
In The Name Of The Father Guildford Four Daniel Day-Lewis, Pete Postlethwaite
Jeffrey Dahmer: The Secret Life Jeffrey Dahmer Carl Crew
JFK: Reckless Youth John F. Kennedy Patrick Dempsey
Ludwig 1881 Ludwig II of Bavaria Helmut Berger
M. Butterfly Bernard Boursicot Jeremy Irons
Rudy Daniel "Rudy" Ruettiger Sean Astin
Schindler's List Oskar Schindler Liam Neeson
Searching for Bobby Fischer Joshua Waitzkin Max Pomeranc
Shadowlands C. S. Lewis Anthony Hopkins
Joy Gresham Debra Winger
Shrinatha Kavi Sarvabhowma Srinatha Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao
Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould Glenn Gould Colm Feore
This Boy's Life Tobias Wolff Leonardo DiCaprio
Tombstone Wyatt Earp Kurt Russell
Doc Holliday Val Kilmer
Viva Castro! Fidel Castro Pavel Zharkov
What's Love Got to Do with It Tina Turner Angela Bassett
Ike Turner Laurence Fishburne
Wittgenstein Ludwig Wittgenstein Karl Johnson
Zohar Zohar Argov Shaul Mizrachi
1994 Vivekananda Swami Vivekananda Sarvadaman D. Banerjee
Abraham Abraham Richard Harris
Amelia Earhart: The Final Flight Amelia Earhart Diane Keaton
Backbeat Stuart Sutcliffe Stephen Dorff
John Lennon Ian Hart
Bandit Queen Phoolan Devi Seema Biswas
A Burning Passion: The Margaret Mitchell Story Margaret Mitchell Shannen Doherty
Cobb Ty Cobb Tommy Lee Jones
Ed Wood Ed Wood Johnny Depp
Bela Lugosi Martin Landau
Farinelli Farinelli Stefano Dionisi
Frank & Jesse Jesse James Rob Lowe
Frank James Bill Paxton
Heavenly Creatures Pauline Parker Melanie Lynskey
Juliet Hulme Kate Winslet
Immortal Beloved Ludwig van Beethoven Gary Oldman
In the Name of the Father Gerry Conlon Daniel Day-Lewis
La Reine Margot Queen Margot Isabelle Adjani
Jacob Jacob Matthew Modine
The Madness of King George George III of the United Kingdom Nigel Hawthorne
Mesmer Franz Anton Mesmer Alan Rickman
Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle Dorothy Parker Jennifer Jason Leigh
Nostradamus Nostradamus Tchéky Karyo
Quiz Show Charles Van Doren Ralph Fiennes
8 Seconds Lane Frost Luke Perry
A Soul Haunted by Painting Pan Yuliang Gong Li
Squanto: A Warrior's Tale Squanto Adam Beach
Tom & Viv T. S. Eliot Willem Dafoe
Vivienne Haigh-Wood Miranda Richardson
The Vernon Johns Story Vernon Johns James Earl
Wyatt Earp Wyatt Earp Kevin Costner
Zorn Anders Zorn Gunnar Hellström
1995 Aletta Jacobs: Het Hoogste Streven Aletta Jacobs Luutgard Willems
The Basketball Diaries Jim Carroll Leonardo DiCaprio
Braveheart William Wallace Mel Gibson
Casino Frank "Lefty" Rosenthal Robert De Niro
Catharine the Great Catherine II of Russia Catherine Zeta-Jones
Carrington Dora Carrington Emma Thompson
Lytton Strachey Jonathan Pryce
Citizen X Viktor Burakov Stephen Rea
Dangerous Minds LouAnne Johnson Michelle Pfeiffer
Dead Man Walking Sister Helen Prejean Susan Sarandon
Faustina Mary Faustina Kowalska Dorota Segda
The Flor Contemplacion Story Flor Contemplacion Nora Aunor
Jefferson in Paris Thomas Jefferson Nick Nolte
Joseph Joseph Paul Mercurio
Le Grand blanc de Lambaréné Albert Schweitzer André Wilms
Liz: The Elizabeth Taylor Story Elizabeth Taylor Sherilyn Fenn
Murder in the First Henri Young Kevin Bacon
Nixon Richard Nixon Anthony Hopkins
Panther Bobby Seale Courtney B. Vance
Huey P. Newton Marcus Chong
Restoration Charles II of England Sam Neill
Rob Roy Robert Roy MacGregor Liam Neeson
Sister My Sister Christine and Lea Papin Joely Richardson
Jodhi May
To Die For Pamela Smart Nicole Kidman
Total Eclipse Arthur Rimbaud Leonardo DiCaprio
Paul Verlaine David Thewlis
Truman Harry S. Truman Gary Sinise
Wild Bill Wild Bill Hickok Jeff Bridges
Calamity Jane Ellen Barkin
Madonna: Innocence Lost Madonna Terumi Matthews
1996 Basquiat Jean-Michel Basquiat Jeffrey Wright
The Crucible John Proctor Daniel Day-Lewis
Abigail Williams Winona Ryder
Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story Dorothy Day Moira Kelly
Evita Eva Perón Madonna
The Ghost and the Darkness John Henry Patterson Val Kilmer
Ghosts of Mississippi Byron De La Beckwith James Woods
A Girl Called Rosemary Rosemarie Nitribitt Nina Hoss
Gotti John Gotti Armand Assante
Infinity (film) Richard Feynman Matthew Broderick
In Love and War Ernest Hemingway Chris O'Donnell
I Shot Andy Warhol Valerie Solanas Lili Taylor
Killer: A Journal of Murder Carl Panzram James Woods
Michael Collins Michael Collins Liam Neeson
Moses Moses Ben Kingsley
Nasser 56 Gamal Abdel Nasser Ahmed Zaki
Norma Jean & Marilyn Marilyn Monroe Ashley Judd and Mira Sorvino
The People vs. Larry Flynt Larry Flynt Woody Harrelson
Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny Grigori Rasputin Alan Rickman
Rebound: The Legend of Earl "The Goat" Manigault Earl Manigault Don Cheadle
Samson and Delilah Samson Dennis Hopper
Delilah Elizabeth Hurley
Shine David Helfgott Geoffrey Rush and Noah Taylor
Surviving Picasso Pablo Picasso Anthony Hopkins
The Whole Wide World Robert E. Howard Vincent D'Onofrio
Novalyne Price Ellis Renée Zellweger
1997 Artemisia Artemisia Gentileschi Valentina Cervi
Breaking the Surface: The Greg Louganis Story Greg Louganis Mario Lopez
David King David Nathaniel Parker
The Disappearance of Garcia Lorca Federico García Lorca Andy García
Donnie Brasco Donnie Brasco Johnny Depp
Elvis Meets Nixon Elvis Presley Rick Peters
Richard Nixon Bob Gunton
Four Days in September Fernando Gabeira Pedro Cardoso
Charles Burke Elbrick Alan Arkin
The Gambler Fyodor Dostoyevsky Michael Gambon
Hoodlum Ellsworth "Bumpy" Johnson Laurence Fishburne
Dutch Schultz Tim Roth
Lucky Luciano Andy Garcia
Kundun Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Thuthob Tsarong, others
The Last Time I Committed Suicide Neal Cassady Thomas Jane
Mrs. Brown Queen Victoria Judi Dench
John Brown Billy Connolly
My Heart Is Mine Alone Else Lasker-Schüler Lena Stolze
Gottfried Benn Cornelius Obonya
Prefontaine Steve Prefontaine Jared Leto
Private Parts Howard Stern Howard Stern
Rizal sa Dapitan Jose Rizal Albert Martinez
Rough Riders Theodore Roosevelt Tom Berenger
Saint-Ex Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Bruno Ganz
Selena Selena Jennifer Lopez
Seven Years in Tibet Heinrich Harrer Brad Pitt
Solomon King Solomon Ben Cross
The Sarah Balabagan Story Sarah Balabagan Vina Morales
Wilde Oscar Wilde Stephen Fry
1998 54 Steve Rubell Mike Myers
A Bright Shining Lie John Paul Vann Bill Paxton
A Civil Action Jan Schlichtmann John Travolta
Dangerous Beauty Veronica Franco Catherine McCormack
Diana: A Tribute to the People's Princess Diana, Princess of Wales Amy Seccombe
Elizabeth Elizabeth I Cate Blanchett
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Hunter S. Thompson Johnny Depp
Fifteen and Pregnant Tina Spangler Kirsten Dunst
The General Martin Cahill Brendan Gleeson
Gia Gia Marie Carangi Angelina Jolie
Gods and Monsters James Whale Ian McKellen
Grey Owl Grey Owl Pierce Brosnan
Hilary and Jackie Hilary Rachel Griffiths
Jacqueline du Pré Emily Watson
Jeremiah Jeremiah Patrick Dempsey
Jinnah Muhammad Ali Jinnah Christopher Lee
José Rizal José Rizal Cesar Montano
Lautrec Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Régis Royer
Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon Francis Bacon Derek Jacobi
Patch Adams Hunter "Patch" Adams Robin Williams
Permanent Midnight Jerry Stahl Ben Stiller
The Prince of Egypt Moses and Ramesses II Val Kilmer and Ralph Fiennes (voices)
The Rat Pack Frank Sinatra Ray Liotta
Dean Martin Joe Mantegna
Sammy Davis, Jr. Don Cheadle
The Temptations The Temptations Leon, Terron Brooks, D. B. Woodside
Shakespeare in Love William Shakespeare Joseph Fiennes
Winchell Walter Winchell Stanley Tucci
Without Limits Steve Prefontaine Billy Crudup
Bill Bowerman Donald Sutherland
Why Do Fools Fall in Love Frankie Lymon Larenz Tate
1999 And The Beat Goes On: The Sonny And Cher Story Sonny Bono Jay Underwood
Cher Renee Faia
Angela's Ashes Frank McCourt Joe Breen young, Ciaran Owens (middle) and Michael Legge (older)
Anna and the King Anna Leonowens Jodie Foster
Balzac: A Life of Passion Honoré de Balzac Gérard Depardieu
Boys Don't Cry Brandon Teena Hilary Swank
Children of the Century George Sand Juliette Binoche
Alfred de Musset Benoît Magimel
Come On, Get Happy: The Partridge Family Story Danny Bonaduce Shawn Pyfrom
David Cassidy Rodney Scott
Esther Esther Louise Lombard
Girl, Interrupted Susanna Kaysen Winona Ryder
Goya in Bordeaux Francisco de Goya José Coronado as (Goya young)
Francisco Rabal as (Goya old)
Hefner: Unauthorized Hugh Hefner Randall Batinkoff
The Hurricane Rubin Carter Denzel Washington
The Insider Jeffrey Wigand Russell Crowe
Introducing Dorothy Dandridge Dorothy Dandridge Halle Berry
Jesus Jesus Jeremy Sisto
Joan of Arc Joan of Arc Leelee Sobieski
Man on the Moon Andy Kaufman Jim Carrey
Mary, Mother of Jesus Mary of Nazareth Pernilla August
Young Mary Melinda Kinnaman
The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc Joan of Arc Milla Jovovich
Moloch Adolf Hitler Leonid Mozgovoy
Molokai: The Story of Father Damien Father Damien David Wenham
Music of the Heart Roberta Guaspari Meryl Streep
October Sky Homer Hickam Jake Gyllenhaal
The Passion of Ayn Rand Ayn Rand Helen Mirren
Nathaniel Branden Eric Stoltz
Passion: The Story of Percy Grainger Percy Grainger Richard Roxburgh
Pirates of Silicon Valley Steve Jobs Noah Wyle
Bill Gates Anthony Michael Hall
Rocky Marciano Rocky Marciano Jon Favreau
The Straight Story Alvin Straight Richard Farnsworth
Summer of Sam David Berkowitz Michael Badalucco
To Walk with Lions George Adamson Richard Harris
Tony Fitzjohn John Michie
Topsy-Turvy W. S. Gilbert Jim Broadbent
Arthur Sullivan Allan Corduner


Yıl Film Hayatı Anlatılan Kişi(ler) Oyuncu(lar)
2000 The Audrey Hepburn Story Audrey Hepburn Jennifer Love Hewitt
Before Night Falls Reinaldo Arenas Javier Bardem
Best George Best John Lynch
Chopper Mark Brandon "Chopper" Read Eric Bana
Close to Jesus Joseph of Nazareth Tabias Moretti
Mary Magdalene Maria Grazia Cucinotta
Judas Enrico Lo Verso
Thomas Ricky Tognazzi
The Courage To Love Henriette DeLille Vanessa L. Williams
The Crossing George Washington Jeff Daniels
The Beach Boys: An American Family Brian Wilson Fred Weller
Matt Letscher Mike Love
Nick Stabile Dennis Wilson
Ned Vaughn Al Jardine
Ryan Northcott Carl Wilson
The David Cassidy Story David Cassidy Andrew Kavovit
Shirley Jones Dey Young
Daydream Believers: The Monkees Story The Monkees Multiple Actors
Erin Brockovich Erin Brockovich Julia Roberts
The Farewell Bertolt Brecht Josef Bierbichler
For Love or Country: The Arturo Sandoval Story Arturo Sandoval Andy Garcia
Growing Up Brady Barry Williams Adam Brody
Florence Henderson Rebeccah Bush
Hendrix Jimi Hendrix Wood Harris
I Dreamed of Africa Kuki Gallmann Kim Basinger
In His Life: The John Lennon Story John Lennon Philip McQuillan Phoenix
In the Light of the Moon Ed Gein Steve Railsback
Isn't She Great Jacqueline Susann Bette Midler
Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Joanne Whalley
Joe Gould's Secret Joe Gould Ian Holm
Joseph: King of Dreams Joseph Ben Affleck (voice)
Little Richard Little Richard Leon Robinson
Lumumba Patrice Lumumba Eriq Ebouaney
Men of Honor Carl Brashear Cuba Gooding, Jr.
The Miracle Maker Jesus (voice) Ralph Fiennes
Murderous Maids Christine and Lea Papin Sylvie Testud
Julie-Marie Parmentier
One Hundred Steps Giuseppe Impastato Luigi Lo Cascio
Pandaemonium William Wordsworth John Hannah
Samuel Taylor Coleridge Linus Roache
Paul the Apostle Paul of Tarsus Johannes Brandrup
Perfect Murder, Perfect Town Lou Smit Kris Kristofferson
Pollock Jackson Pollock Ed Harris
Quills Marquis de Sade Geoffrey Rush
Rated X Artie Jay Mitchell Charlie Sheen
James Lloyd "Jim" Mitchell Emilio Estevez
Remember the Titans Herman Boone Denzel Washington
Ricky 6 Ricky Kasso Vincent Kartheiser
Shadow of the Vampire F. W. Murnau John Malkovich
Max Schreck Willem Dafoe
Steal This Movie! Abbie Hoffman Vincent D'Onofrio
The Three Stooges Moe Howard Paul Ben-Victor
Larry Fine Evan Handler
Curly Howard Michael Chiklis
Shemp Howard John Kassir
Vatel François Vatel Gérard Depardieu
Word and Utopia António Vieira Lima Duarte
2001 61* Roger Maris Barry Pepper
Mickey Mantle Thomas Jane
Ali Muhammad Ali Will Smith
Anne Frank: The Whole Story Anne Frank Hannah Taylor-Gordon
Attila Attila Gerard Butler
Ayyam El Sadat Anwar Al Sadat Ahmad Zaki
A Beautiful Mind John Nash Russell Crowe
Blow George Jung Johnny Depp
Bojangles Bill Robinson Gregory Hines
Brian's Song Brian Piccolo Sean Maher
Gale Sayers Mekhi Phifer
Bride of the Wind Alma Mahler Sarah Wynter
Gustav Mahler Jonathan Pryce
The Cat's Meow William Randolph Hearst Edward Herrmann
Child Star: The Shirley Temple Story Shirley Temple Emily Hart (older)
Ashley Rose Orr (young)
The Diaries of Vaslav Nijinsky Vaslav Nijinsky Derek Jacobi
The Gaul Vercingetorix Christopher Lambert
A Huey P. Newton Story Huey P. Newton Roger Guenveur Smith
Hysteria - The Def Leppard Story Def Leppard Multiple Actors
In the Time Of Butterflies Minerva Mirabal Salma Hayek
Iris Iris Murdoch Judi Dench (older)
Kate Winslet (young)
Jackie, Ethel, Joan: The Women of Camelot Jacqueline Kennedy Jill Hennessy
Ethel Kennedy Lauren Holly
Joan Kennedy Leslie Stefanson
James Dean James Dean James Franco
Life with Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows Judy Garland Judy Davis (older)
Tammy Blanchard (young)
Like Mother, Like Son: The Strange Story of Sante & Kenny Kimes Sante Kimes Mary Tyler Moore
Kenny Kimes Gabriel Olds
Mad Love Joanna of Castile Pilar López de Ayala
Philip I of Castile Daniele Liotti
The Moving True Story of a Woman Ahead of Her Time Nienke van Hichtum Monic Hendrickx
Pieter Jelles Troelstra Jeroen Willems
The Other Side of Heaven John H. Groberg Christopher Gorham
Piñero Miguel Piñero Benjamin Bratt
Riding in Cars with Boys Beverly Donofrio Drew Barrymore
Taurus Vladimir Lenin Leonid Mozgovoy
Der Tunnel Hasso Herschel Heino Ferch
2002 Antwone Fisher Antwone Q. Fisher Derek Luke (adult)
Malcolm David Kelley (child)
Auto Focus Bob Crane Greg Kinnear
Bertie and Elizabeth George VI James Wilby
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Juliet Aubrey
Catch Me If You Can Frank Abagnale Leonardo DiCaprio
Callas Forever Maria Callas Fanny Ardant
Chi-hwa-seon Owon Choi Min-sik
The Child I Never Was Jürgen Bartsch Tobias Schenke
Chopin: Desire for Love Fryderyk Chopin Piotr Adamczyk
George Sand Danuta Stenka
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind Chuck Barris Sam Rockwell
Conviction Carl Upchurch Omar Epps
Dahmer Jeffrey Dahmer Jeremy Renner
Evelyn Desmond Doyle Pierce Brosnan
Fidel Fidel Castro Víctor Huggo Martin
Frida Frida Kahlo Salma Hayek
Gada Meilin Gada Meiren Deligeer
The Gathering Storm Winston Churchill Albert Finney
Gilda Radner: It's Always Something Gilda Radner Jami Gertz
Gene Wilder Tom Rooney
Gleason Jackie Gleason Brad Garrett
The Hours Virginia Woolf Nicole Kidman
The Kid Stays in the Picture Robert Evans Robert Evans
Lapu-Lapu Lapu-Lapu Lito Lapid
Ferdinand Magellan Dante Rivero
The Legend of Bhagat Singh Bhagat Singh Ajay Devgan
Madame Satã Madame Satã Lázaro Ramos
Martin and Lewis Dean Martin Jeremy Northam
Jerry Lewis Sean Hayes
The Matthew Shepard Story Matthew Shepard Shane Meier
Path to War Lyndon B. Johnson Michael Gambon
The Pianist Władysław Szpilman Adrien Brody
Prince William Prince William Jordan Frieda
The Rookie Jim Morris Dennis Quaid
The Rosa Parks Story Rosa Parks Angela Bassett
Shackleton Ernest Shackleton Kenneth Branagh
The Soul Keeper Sabina Spielrein Emilia Fox
Carl Gustav Jung Iain Glen
Francesco Francis of Assisi Raoul Bova
Ted Bundy Ted Bundy Michael Reilly Burke
2003 America's Prince: The John F. Kennedy Jr. Story John F. Kennedy, Jr. Kristoffer Polaha
Jackie Kennedy Onassis Jacqueline Bisset
Carolyn Bessette Kennedy Portia de Rossi
American Splendor Harvey Pekar Paul Giamatti
And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself Pancho Villa Antonio Banderas
BAADASSSSS! Melvin Van Peebles Mario Van Peebles
Behind the Camera: The Unauthorized Story of Three's Company John Ritter Bret Anthony
Suzanne Somers Jud Tylor
Joyce DeWitt Melanie Deanne Moore
Benedict Arnold: A Question of Honor Benedict Arnold Aidan Quinn
George Washington Kelsey Grammer
Blind Flight John McCarthy Linus Roache
Brian Keenan Ian Hart
Cambridge Spies Guy Burgess Tom Hollander
Donald MacLean Rupert Penry-Jones
Cleopatra Cleopatra VII Norma Aleandro
A Date with Darkness: The Trial and Capture of Andrew Luster Andrew Luster Jason Gedrick
The Deal Gordon Brown David Morrissey
Tony Blair Michael Sheen
The Elizabeth Smart Story Elizabeth Smart Amber Marshall
Henry VIII Henry VIII Ray Winstone
High Roller: The Stu Ungar Story Stu Ungar Michael Imperioli
Hitler: The Rise of Evil Adolf Hitler Robert Carlyle
Imperium: Augustus Caesar Augustus Peter O' Toole
The Lion in Winter King Henry II Patrick Stewart
Eleanor of Aquitaine Glenn Close
The Lost Prince Prince John Daniel Williams (young)
Matthew James Thomas (older)
Lucy Lucille Ball Rachel York
Desi Arnaz Danny Pino
Luther Martin Luther Joseph Fiennes
Maria Goretti Maria Goretti Martina Pinto
Martha, Inc.: The Story of Martha Stewart Martha Stewart Cybill Shepherd
Monster Aileen Wuornos Charlize Theron
Mother Teresa of Calcutta Mother Teresa Olivia Hussey
Ned Kelly Ned Kelly Heath Ledger
The Night We Called It a Day Frank Sinatra Dennis Hopper
Paradise Found Paul Gauguin Kiefer Sutherland
Party Monster Michael Alig Macaulay Culkin
Radio James Robert "Radio" Kennedy Cuba Gooding, Jr.
Harold Jones Ed Harris
The Reagans Ronald Reagan James Brolin
Nancy Reagan Judy Davis
Shattered Glass Stephen Glass Hayden Christensen
Soraya Soraya Esfandiary-Bakhtiari Anna Valle
Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Erol Sander
Stander Andre Stander Thomas Jane
Swimming Upstream Tony Fingleton Jesse Spencer
Sylvia Sylvia Plath Gwyneth Paltrow
Touching the Void Joe Simpson Brendan Mackey
Veronica Guerin Veronica Guerin Cate Blanchett
Wonderland John Holmes Val Kilmer
2004 Against the Ropes Jackie Kallen Meg Ryan
Aimee Semple McPherson Aimee Semple McPherson Mimi Michaels
Alexander Alexander the Great Colin Farrell
The Assassination of Richard Nixon Samuel Byck Sean Penn
The Aviator Howard Hughes Leonardo DiCaprio
Beautiful Boxer Parinya Charoenphol Asanee Suwan
Behind the Camera: The Unauthorized Story of Charlie's Angels Farrah Fawcett Tricia Helfer
Jaclyn Smith Christina Chambers
Kate Jackson Lauren Stamile
Bettie Page: Dark Angel Bettie Page Paige Richards
Beyond the Sea Bobby Darin Kevin Spacey
Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius Bobby Jones Jim Caviezel
The Brooke Ellison Story Brooke Ellison Lacey Chabert & Vanessa Marano
Call Me: The Rise and Fall of Heidi Fleiss Heidi Fleiss Jamie-Lynn Sigler
3: The Dale Earnhardt Story Dale Earnhardt Barry Pepper
De-Lovely Cole Porter Kevin Kline
Adolf Hitler Bruno Ganz
Finding Neverland J. M. Barrie Johnny Depp
Fighter in the Wind Masutatsu Oyama Yang Dong-geun
Helter Skelter Charles Manson Jeremy Davies
Hidalgo Frank Hopkins Viggo Mortensen
Hotel Rwanda Paul Rusesabagina Don Cheadle
Ike: Countdown to D-Day Dwight D. Eisenhower Tom Selleck
Kinsey Alfred Kinsey Liam Neeson
The Libertine John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester Johnny Depp
The Life and Death of Peter Sellers Peter Sellers Geoffrey Rush
Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story Michael Jackson Flex Alexander
Miracle Herb Brooks Kurt Russell
Modigliani Amedeo Modigliani Andy García
The Motorcycle Diaries Che Guevara Gael García Bernal
Alberto Granado Rodrigo de la Serna
Nero Nero Hans Matheson
My Nikifor Nikifor Krystyna Feldman
The Mystery of Natalie Wood Natalie Wood Justine Waddell
Robert Wagner Michael Weatherly
Ray Ray Charles Jamie Foxx
Redemption: The Stan Tookie Williams Story Stanley Tookie Williams Jamie Foxx
The Sea Inside Ramon Sampedro Javier Bardem
Something The Lord Made Alfred Blalock Alan Rickman
Vivien Thomas Mos Def
Stage Beauty Edward Kynaston Billy Crudup
Thérèse Saint Thérèse of Lisieux Lindsay Younce
2005 2 Filhos de Francisco Zezé Di Camargo & Luciano Márcio Kieling
Thiago Mendonça
Amber Frey: Witness For The Prosecution Amber Frey Janel Moloney
Scott Peterson Nathan Anderson
Gloria Allred Nora Dunn
Ambulance Girl Jane Stern Kathy Bates
Aurore Aurore Gagnon Marianne Fortier
Behind the Camera: The Unauthorized Story of Mork & Mindy Robin Williams Chris Diamantopoulos
Pam Dawber Erinn Hayes
Blue Swallow Park Kyung-won Jang Jin Young
Bose – The Forgotten Hero Subhas Chandra Bose Sachin Khedekar
Capote Truman Capote Philip Seymour Hoffman
Charles Wesley: Hymns of Praise Charles Wesley John Jackman
Cinderella Man James J. Braddock Russell Crowe
Coach Carter Ken Carter Samuel L. Jackson
Désiré Landru Henri Désiré Landru Patrick Timsit
Domino Domino Harvey Keira Knightley
Elizabeth I Elizabeth I of England Helen Mirren
Elvis Elvis Presley Jonathan Rhys Meyers
The Flight That Fought Back Mark Bingham Jason LeGrande
Jeremy Glick Kevin Paul
Gie Soe Hok Gie Nicholas Saputra
Good Night, and Good Luck Edward R. Murrow David Strathairn
The Greatest Game Ever Played Francis Ouimet Shia LaBeouf
The Hunt for the BTK Killer Dennis Rader Gregg Henry
Jarhead Anthony Swofford Jake Gyllenhaal
Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration Joseph Smith Nathan Mitchell
Karol: A Man Who Became Pope Karol Wojtyła Piotr Adamczyk
Lords of Dogtown Stacy Peralta John Robinson
Jay Adams Emile Hirsch
Tony Alva Victor Rasuk
Martha Behind Bars Martha Stewart Cybill Shepherd
Maurice Richard Maurice 'The Rocket' Richard Roy Dupuis
Mrs. Harris Jean Harris Annette Bening
Mrs. Henderson Presents Laura Henderson Judi Dench
Murder Unveiled Jaswinder Kaur Sidhu Anita Majumdar
My Family and Other Animals Gerald Durrell Eugene Simon
The New World John Smith Colin Farrell
Pocahontas Q'orianka Kilcher
The Notorious Bettie Page Bettie Page Gretchen Mol
Pierrepoint Albert Pierrepoint Timothy Spall
Pope John Paul II Pope John Paul II Cary Elwes (young), Jon Voight (old)
The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio Evelyn Ryan Julianne Moore
The Queen's Sister Princess Margaret Lucy Cohu
Riot at the Rite Vaslav Nijinsky Adam Garcia
The Rising Mangal Pandey Aamir Khan
The Rocket Maurice Richard Roy Dupuis
Sophie Scholl – The Final Days Sophie Scholl Julia Jentsch
Stoned Brian Jones Leo Gregory
Saint Peter Saint Peter Omar Sharif
The Sun Emperor Hirohito Issey Ogata
Trump Unauthorized Donald Trump Justin Louis
Waking Up Wally: The Walter Gretzky Story Walter Gretzky Tom McCamus
Wayne Gretzky Kristen Holden-Ried
Walk the Line Johnny Cash Joaquin Phoenix
June Carter Cash Reese Witherspoon
Warm Springs Franklin D. Roosevelt Kenneth Branagh
Eleanor Roosevelt Cynthia Nixon
The World's Fastest Indian Burt Munro Anthony Hopkins
2006 Albert Schweitzer: Called to Africa Albert Schweitzer Jeff McCarthy
Amazing Grace William Wilberforce Ioan Gruffudd
John Newton Albert Finney
The Amazing Grace John Newton Nick Moran
Beau Brummell: This Charming Man Beau Brummell James Purefoy
The Black Dahlia Elizabeth Short Mia Kirshner
The Borgia Rodrigo Borgia Lluís Homar
Cesare Borgia Sergio Peris-Mencheta
Catch a Fire Patrick Chamusso Derek Luke
Color of the Cross Jesus Jean-Claude La Marre
The Death of Poe Edgar Allan Poe Mark Redfield
Driving Lessons Jeremy Brock Rupert Grint
El Benny Benny Moré Renny Arozarena
El Cantante Héctor Lavoe Marc Anthony
Factory Girl Edie Sedgwick Sienna Miller
The Fantasia Barrino Story: Life Is Not a Fairy Tale Fantasia Barrino Fantasia Barrino (older)
Jamia Simone Nash (young)
Fearless Huo Yuanjia Jet Li
Find Me Guilty Giacomo "Jackie" DiNorscio Vin Diesel
The Flying Scotsman Graeme Obree Jonny Lee Miller
Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus Diane Arbus Nicole Kidman
Glory Road Don Haskins Josh Lucas
The Good Shepherd James Jesus Angleton Matt Damon
Goya's Ghosts Francisco Goya Stellan Skarsgård
A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints Dito Montiel Robert Downey, Jr. (adult)
Shia LaBeouf (young)
Hannibal – Rome's Worst Nightmare Hannibal Alexander Siddig
Henry Dunant: Red on the Cross Henry Dunant Thomas Jouannet
Hollywoodland George Reeves Ben Affleck
Infamous Truman Capote Toby Jones
Invincible Vince Papale Mark Wahlberg
Klimt Gustav Klimt John Malkovich
The Last King of Scotland Idi Amin Forest Whitaker
Marie Antoinette Marie Antoinette Kirsten Dunst
Milarepa Milarepa Jamyang Lodro
Miss Potter Beatrix Potter Renée Zellweger
The Nativity Story Mary of Nazareth Keisha Castle-Hughes
Joseph of Nazareth Oscar Isaac
One Night with the King Esther Tiffany Dupont
King Xerxes 1 Luke Goss
Provoked Kiranjit Ahluwalia Aishwarya Rai
The Pursuit of Happyness Christopher Gardner Will Smith
Pushkin: The Last Duel Alexander Pushkin Sergei Bezrukov
The Queen HM Queen Elizabeth II Helen Mirren
Raising Jeffrey Dahmer Jeffrey Dahmer Rusty Sneary
Requiem Anneliese Michel Sandra Hüller
The Ron Clark Story Ron Clark Matthew Perry
Running with Scissors Augusten Burroughs Joseph Cross
Stan Stan Laurel Jim Norton (old), Nik Howden (young)
Oliver Hardy Trevor Cooper (old), Mike Goodenough (young)
United 93 Mark Bingham Cheyenne Jackson
Jeremy Glick Peter Hermann
The Water Is Wide Pat Conroy Jeff Hephner
We Are Marshall Jack Lengyel Matthew McConaughey
Why I Wore Lipstick to My Mastectomy Geralyn Lucas Sarah Chalke
Wild Romance Herman Brood Daniël Boissevain
World Trade Center John McLoughlin Nicolas Cage
Will Jimeno Michael Peña
2007 American Gangster Frank Lucas Denzel Washington
An American Crime Sylvia Likens Ellen Page
Gertrude Baniszewski Catherine Keener
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Jesse James Brad Pitt
Robert Ford Casey Affleck
Assembly Gu Zidi Zhang Hanyu
Becoming Jane Jane Austen Anne Hathaway
The Black Pimpernel Harald Edelstam Michael Nyqvist
Breach Robert Hanssen Chris Cooper
Charlie Wilson's War Charlie Wilson Tom Hanks
Clare and Francis Clare of Assisi Mary Petruolo
Francis of Assisi Ettore Bassi
Control Ian Curtis Sam Riley
Colour Me Kubrick Alan Conway John Malkovich
Crazy Hank Garland Waylon Payne
Dark Matter Gang Lu Liu Ye
Eight Miles High Uschi Obermaier Natalia Avelon
Diana: Last Days of a Princess Diana, Princess of Wales Genevieve O'Reilly
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly Jean-Dominique Bauby Mathieu Amalric
Eichmann Adolf Eichmann Thomas Kretschmann
El Cantante Héctor Lavoe Marc Anthony
El Greco El Greco Nick Ashdon
Elizabeth: The Golden Age Elizabeth I Cate Blanchett
Freedom Writers Erin Gruwell Hilary Swank
Gandhi, My Father Mahatma Gandhi Darshan Jariwala
Harilal Gandhi Akshaye Khanna
Genghis Khan: To the Ends of the Earth and Sea Genghis Khan Takashi Sorimachi
Georg Georg Ots Marko Matvere
Goodbye Bafana James Gregory Joseph Fiennes
Nelson Mandela Dennis Haysbert
The Great Debaters Melvin B. Tolson Denzel Washington
James L. Farmer, Sr. Forest Whitaker
James L. Farmer, Jr. Denzel Whitaker
The Hoax Clifford Irving Richard Gere
Hwang Jin Yi Hwang Jin Yi Song Hye Kyo
I'm Not There Bob Dylan Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Heath Ledger, Marcus Carl Franklin, Richard Gere, Ben Whishaw.
Into The Wild Christopher McCandless Emile Hirsch
Jump! Philippe Halsman Ben Silverstone
The Killing of John Lennon Mark David Chapman Jonas Ball
The King Graham Kennedy Stephen Curry
La Vie En Rose Édith Piaf Marion Cotillard
Manolete Manuel Laureano Rodríguez Sánchez Adrien Brody
My Boy Jack Jack Kipling Daniel Radcliffe
Neal Cassady Neal Cassady Tate Donovan
A Mighty Heart Mariane Pearl Angelina Jolie
Daniel Pearl Dan Futterman
Miss Austen Regrets Jane Austen Olivia Williams
Mongol Genghis Khan Tadanobu Asano
Music Within Richard Pimentel Ron Livingston
My Father Hwang Nam-cheol Kim Yeong-cheol
Nightwatching Rembrandt Martin Freeman
Persepolis Marjane Satrapi Chiara Mastroianni (voice)
Pride Jim Ellis Terrence Howard
Rescue Dawn Dieter Dengler Christian Bale
Rise of the Footsoldier Carlton Leach Ricci Harnett
Romulus, My Father Romulus Gaita Eric Bana
Raimond Gaita Kodi Smit-McPhee
Saint Mary Mary (mother of Jesus) Shabnam Gholikhani
Shake Hands with the Devil Roméo Dallaire Roy Dupuis
The Singer Héctor Lavoe Raul Carbonell
Sybil Shirley Ardell Mason Tammy Blanchard
Talk to Me Ralph "Petey" Greene Don Cheadle
Tears of a King Elvis Presley Matt Lewis
The Ten Commandments Moses Ben Kingsley (voice)
Theresa: The Body of Christ Saint Teresa of Ávila Paz Vega
26 Years Diary Lee Su-hyon Lee Tae-sung
Zodiac Robert Graysmith Jake Gyllenhaal
2008 Admiral Alexander Kolchak Konstantin Habensky
Amália Amália Rodrigues Sandra Barata
Billy: The Early Years Billy Graham Armie Hammer
Bronson Charles Bronson Tom Hardy
Cadillac Records Leonard Chess Adrien Brody
Muddy Waters Jeffrey Wright
Etta James Beyoncé Knowles
Cass Cass Pennant Nonso Anozie
Che: Part I - The Argentine Che Guevara Benicio del Toro
Che: Part II - Guerrilla Che Guevara Benicio del Toro
Changeling Christine Collins Angelina Jolie
Chapter 27 Mark David Chapman Jared Leto
Coco Chanel Coco Chanel (elder) Shirley MacLaine
Coco Chanel (young) Barbora Bobuľová
Crazy Hank Garland Waylon Payne
Defiance Tuvia Bielski Daniel Craig
Zus Bielski Liev Schreiber
Der Baader Meinhof Komplex Ulrike Meinhof Martina Gedeck
Andreas Baader Moritz Bleibtreu
Gudrun Ensslin Johanna Wokalek
The Duchess Georgiana Cavendish Keira Knightley
The Easy Way Albert Spaggiari Jean-Paul Rouve
The Edge of Love Dylan Thomas Matthew Rhys
The Express Ernie Davis Rob Brown
Flash of Genius Robert Kearns Greg Kinnear
Forever Enthralled Mei Lanfang Leon Lai
Front of the Class Brad Cohen James Wolk
Frost/Nixon Richard Nixon Frank Langella
David Frost Michael Sheen
Hansie Hansie Cronje Frank Rautenbach
House of Saddam Saddam Hussein yigal Naor
Sajida Khairallah Talfah Shohreh Aghdashloo
Hunger Bobby Sands Michael Fassbender
Il Divo Giulio Andreotti Toni Servillo
Ip Man Yip Man Donnie Yen
Jodhaa Akbar Akbar the Great Hrithik Roshan
Jodhabai Aishwarya Rai
John Adams John Adams Paul Giamatti
Abigail Adams Laura Linney
The Last Confession of Alexander Pearce Alexander Pearce Ciarán McMenamin
Little Ashes Salvador Dalí Robert Pattinson
Federico García Lorca Javier Beltrán
Mao's Last Dancer Li Cunxin Chi Cao
Max Manus Max Manus Aksel Hennie
The Messiah Jesus Ahmad Soleimani Nia
Milk Harvey Milk Sean Penn
Mesrine: Killer Instinct Jacques Mesrine Vincent Cassel
Meu Nome Não É Johnny João Guilherme Estrella Selton Mello
The Other Boleyn Girl Mary Boleyn Scarlett Johansson
Anne Boleyn Natalie Portman
Public Enemy Number One Jacques Mesrine Vincent Cassel
The Red Baron Manfred von Richthofen Matthias Schweighöfer
Red Cliff Zhou Yu Tony Leung Chiu-Wai
Zhuge Liang Takeshi Kaneshiro
Cao Cao Zhang Fengyi
Sagan Françoise Sagan Sylvie Testud
Séraphine Séraphine Louis Yolande Moreau
Skin Sandra Laing Sophie Okonedo
Sugar Miguel Santos Algenis Perez Soto
Valkyrie Col. Claus von Stauffenberg Tom Cruise
W. George W. Bush Josh Brolin
Waltz with Bashir Ari Folman Ari Folman (voice)
What We Do Is Secret Darby Crash Shane West
Within the Whirlwind Yevgenia Ginzburg Emily Watson
2009 Agora Hypatia Rachel Weisz
Albert Schweitzer Albert Schweitzer Jeroen Krabbé
Amelia Amelia Earhart Hilary Swank
An Englishman in New York Quentin Crisp John Hurt
The Anna Nicole Smith Story Anna Nicole Smith Willa Ford
The Blind Side Leigh Anne Tuohy Sandra Bullock
Sean Tuohy Tim McGraw
Michael Oher Quinton Aaron
Bright Star John Keats Ben Whishaw
Fanny Brawne Abbie Cornish
Coco Before Chanel Coco Chanel Audrey Tautou
Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky Coco Chanel Anna Mouglalis
Igor Stravinsky Mads Mikkelsen
Connolly James Connolly Peter Mullan
The Consul of Sodom Jaime Gil de Biedma Jordi Mollà
The Countess Countess Elizabeth Báthory Julie Delpy
Creation Charles Darwin Paul Bettany
Desert Flower Waris Dirie Liya Kebede
Fortapàsc Giancarlo Siani Libero De Rienzo
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story Ben Carson Cuba Gooding Jr.
Georgia O'Keeffe Georgia O'Keeffe Joan Allen
Grey Gardens Edith Ewing Bouvier Jessica Lange
Edith Bouvier Beale Drew Barrymore
Hilde Hildegard Knef Heike Makatsch
The Informant! Mark Whitacre Matt Damon
Into the Storm Winston Churchill Brendan Gleeson
Invictus Nelson Mandela Morgan Freeman
François Pienaar Matt Damon
John Rabe John Rabe Ulrich Tukur
Julie & Julia Julie Powell Amy Adams
Julia Child Meryl Streep
King Conqueror Pedro II of Aragon Tim Roth
Kerala Varma Pazhassiraja Pazhassi Raja Mammootty
The Last Station Leo Tolstoy Christopher Plummer
Margaret Margaret Thatcher Lindsay Duncan
Mulan Hua Mulan Zhao Wei
Natalee Holloway Natalee Holloway Amy Gumenick
Beth Twitty Tracy Pollan
Joran van der Sloot Jacques Strydom
Notorious Christopher "Notorious B.I.G." Wallace Jamal Woolard
Nowhere Boy John Lennon Aaron Johnson
12 Paces Without a Head Klaus Störtebeker Ronald Zehrfeld
The Passenger Iggy Pop Elijah Wood
Phantom Punch Sonny Liston Ving Rhames
Princess Kaiulani Kaʻiulani Q'Orianka Kilcher
Public Enemies John Dillinger Johnny Depp
Melvin Purvis Christian Bale
Billie Frechette Marion Cotillard
Baby Face Nelson Stephen Graham
Sanctity Within Reach Pier Giorgio Frassati Christine M. Wohar
See Me Feel Me: Keith Moon Naked for Your Pleasure Keith Moon Mike Myers
Schweitzer Albert Schweitzer Jeroen Krabbé
Skin Sandra Laing Sophie Okonedo
Soeur Sourire Jeanine Deckers Cécile De France
The Soloist Steve Lopez Robert Downey, Jr.
Nathaniel Ayers Jamie Foxx
Telstar Joe Meek Con O'Neill
Toussaint Toussaint Louverture Don Cheadle
Van Diemen's Land Alexander Pearce Oscar Redding
Vincere Ida Dalser Giovanna Mezzogiorno
Benito Mussolini Filippo Timi
Vision - From the Life of Hildegard von Bingen Hildegard von Bingen Barbara Sukowa
Wesley John Wesley Burgess Jenkins
The Young Victoria Queen Victoria Emily Blunt
Zen Dōgen Zenji Nakamura Kantarō II


Yıl Film Hayatı Anlatılan Kişi(ler) Lead actor or actress
2010 127 Saat Aron Ralston James Franco
Angel of Evil Renato Vallanzasca Kim Rossi Stuart
Augustine: The Decline of the Roman Empire Augustine of Hippo Franco Nero
Bruce Lee, My Brother Bruce Lee Aarif Lee
Carlos Carlos the Jackal Édgar Ramírez
Casino Jack Jack Abramoff Kevin Spacey
Chico Xavier Chico Xavier Nelson Xavier
Confucius Confucius Chow Yun-fat
Conviction Betty Anne Waters Hilary Swank
The Day the Music Died Buddy Holly Guy Kent
Eat Pray Love Elizabeth Gilbert Julia Roberts
Edith Stein: The Seventh Chamber Edith Stein Maia Morgenstern
Extraordinary Measures John Crowley Brendan Fraser
Fair Game Valerie Plame Naomi Watts
Joseph Wilson Sean Penn
Dövüşçü "Irish" Micky Ward Mark Wahlberg
Dicky Eklund Christian Bale
The First Grader Kimani Maruge Oliver Litondo
Frankie & Alice Frankie Murdoch Halle Berry
Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life Serge Gainsbourg Éric Elmosnino
Jane Birkin Lucy Gordon
Brigitte Bardot Laetitia Casta
The Great Vazquez Manuel Vázquez Gallego Santiago Segura
The Hammer Matt Hamill Russell Harvard
Howl Allen Ginsberg James Franco
I Love You Phillip Morris Steven Jay Russell Jim Carrey
Phillip Morris Ewan McGregor
Ip Man 2 Yip Man Donnie Yen
Jew Suss: Rise and Fall Ferdinand Marian Tobias Moretti
The Kingdom of Solomon Solomon Amin Zendegani
Zoraki Kral Kral George VI Colin Firth
Lionel Logue Geoffrey Rush
Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon Helena Bonham Carter
Leonie Leonie Gilmour Emily Mortimer
Lope Lope de Vega Alberto Ammann
Lula, the son of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Rui Ricardo Dias
Mahler on the Couch Gustav Mahler Johannes Silberschneider
Alma Mahler Barbara Romaner
Max Schmeling Max Schmeling Henry Maske
Mr. Nice Howard Marks Rhys Ifans
Nanga Parbat Reinhold Messner Florian Stetter
Günther Messner Andreas Tobias
Risen Howard Winstone Stuart Brennan
The Robber Johann Kastenberger Andreas Lust
The Runaways Joan Jett Kristen Stewart
Cherie Currie Dakota Fanning
The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister Anne Lister Maxine Peake
Secretariat Penny Chenery Diane Lane
Lucien Laurin John Malkovich
Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll Ian Dury Andy Serkis
The Social Network Mark Zuckerberg Jesse Eisenberg
Eduardo Saverin Andrew Garfield
Sean Parker Justin Timberlake
Cameron & Tyler Winklevoss Armie Hammer
The Special Relationship Bill Clinton Dennis Quaid
Tony Blair Michael Sheen
Temple Grandin Temple Grandin Claire Danes
Times You Change Bushido Elyas M'Barek
Veda Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Sinan Tuzcu
Vision - From the Life of Hildegard von Bingen Hildegard von Bingen Barbara Sukowa
When Love Is Not Enough: The Lois Wilson Story Lois Wilson Winona Ryder
Who Is Clark Rockefeller? Christian Gerhartsreiter Eric McCormack
You Don't Know Jack Jack Kevorkian Al Pacino
2011 Bernie Bernie Tiede Jack Black
The Amanda Knox Story Amanda Knox Hayden Panettiere
Bakhita: From Slave to Saint Josephine Bakhita Fatou Kine Boye
Cinema Verite Pat Loud Diane Lane
Bill Loud Tim Robbins
Lance Loud Thomas Dekker
The Craigslist Killer Philip Markoff Jake McDorman
A Dangerous Method Sigmund Freud Viggo Mortensen
Carl Gustav Jung Michael Fassbender
Sabina Spielrein Keira Knightley
The Devil's Double Latif Yahia / Uday Hussein Dominic Cooper
A Funny Man Dirch Passer Nikolaj Lie Kaas
Heleno Heleno de Freitas Rodrigo Santoro
Hür Adam: Bediüzzaman Said Nursi Said Nursî Mursit Bag
J. Edgar J. Edgar Hoover Leonardo DiCaprio
Jeanne captive Joan of Arc Clémence Poésy
Juan y Eva Juan Perón Osmar Nuñez
Eva Perón Julieta Díaz
Natalee Holloway Natalee Holloway Amy Gumenick
Beth Holloway Tracy Pollan
Joran van der Sloot Stephen Amell
The Kennedys John F. Kennedy Greg Kinnear
Robert F. Kennedy Barry Pepper
Jackie Kennedy Katie Holmes
Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. Tom Wilkinson
Killing Pablo Pablo Escobar Édgar Ramírez
Kill the Irishman Danny Greene Ray Stevenson
The Lady Aung San Suu Kyi Michelle Yeoh
The Last Ride Hank Williams Henry Thomas
The Lost Bladesman Guan Yu Donnie Yen
Moneyball Billy Beane Brad Pitt
Hugo Georges Méliès Ben Kingsley
Marilyn ile Bir Hafta Marilyn Monroe Michelle Williams
The Sky of My Childhood Nursultan Nazarbayev Elzhas Albiyev
Perfect Game Choi Dong-won Cho Seung-woo
Sun Dong-yeol Yang Dong-geun
Soul Surfer Bethany Hamilton AnnaSophia Robb
Tatsumi Yoshihiro Tatsumi Yoshihiro Tatsumi
Kaze no Shounen Yutaka Ozaki Hiroki Narimiya
Violeta Violeta Parra Francisca Gavilán
We Bought a Zoo Benjamin Mee Matt Damon
Winnie Winnie Mandela Jennifer Hudson
Nelson Mandela Terrence Howard
William & Kate Prince William Nico Evers-Swindell
Catherine Middleton Camilla Luddington
2012 Abducted: The Carlina White Story Carlina White Keke Palmer
Operasyon: Argo Tony Mendez Ben Affleck
Falling Flowers Xiao Hong Song Jia
Florbela Florbela Espanca Dalila Carmo
The Girl Alfred Hitchcock Toby Jones
Game Change Sarah Palin Julianne Moore
John McCain Ed Harris
Sri Ramakrishna Darshanam Ramakrishna
Amen (India) Harish Iyer [1] Karan Mehra [2]
Hitchcock Alfred Hitchcock Anthony Hopkins
Hyde Park on Hudson Franklin Delano Roosevelt Bill Murray
Margaret Suckley Laura Linney
Lawless Jack Bondaurant Shia LaBeouf
Forest Bondaurant Tom Hardy
Howard Bondaurant Jason Clarke
Demir Lady Margaret Thatcher Meryl Streep
Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Daniel Day-Lewis
2013 Betty and Coretta Betty Shabazz Mary J. Blige
Coretta Scott King Angela Bassett
Bonnie & Clyde Bonnie Parker Holliday Grainger
Clyde Barrow Emile Hirsch
Liz & Dick Elizabeth Taylor Lindsay Lohan
Richard Burton Grant Bowler
42 Jackie Robinson Chadwick Boseman
Branch Rickey Harrison Ford
Kill Your Darlings Allen Ginsberg Daniel Radcliffe
Crazy, Sexy, Cool: The TLC Story Tionne Watkins Drew Sidora
Lisa Lopes Lil Mama
Rozonda Thomas Keke Palmer
Big Sur Jack Kerouac Jean-Marc Barr
Diana Diana, Princess of Wales Naomi Watts
Celluloid J. C. Daniel Prithviraj Sukumaran
Emperor Douglas MacArthur Tommy Lee Jones
The Grandmaster Yip Man Tony Leung Chiu-Wai
Jobs Steve Jobs Ashton Kutcher
Bhaag Milkha Bhaag Milkha Singh Farhan Akhtar
The Conjuring Lorraine Warren Vera Farmiga
Ed Warren Patrick Wilson
Lovelace Linda Lovelace Amanda Seyfried
Chuck Traynor Peter Sarsgaard
The Invisible Woman Charles Dickens Ralph Fiennes
Meghe Dhaka Tara Nilkantha Bagchi Saswata Chatterjee
Behind the Candelabra Liberace Michael Douglas
Romeo Killer : The Chris Porco Story Christopher Porco Matt Barr
Saving Mr. Banks P.L. Travers Emma Thompson
Walt Disney Tom Hanks
Desert Dancer Afshin Ghaffarian Reece Ritchie
Rush James Hunt Chris Hemsworth
Niki Lauda Daniel Brühl
Başkanların Hizmetkarları Cecil Gaines Forest Whitaker
Mandela: Özgürlüğe Giden Uzun Yol Nelson Mandela Idris Elba
Marina Rocco Granata Matteo Simoni
The Fifth Estate Julian Assange Benedict Cumberbatch
Para Avcısı Jordan Belfort Leonardo DiCaprio
Düzenbaz (film) Melvin Weinberg Christian Bale
Anthony Amoroso, Jr. Bradley Cooper
2014 One In A Million: The Aaliyah Story Aaliyah Haughton Keisha Chante
Foxcatcher John Eleuthère du Pont Steve Carell
Mark Schultz Channing Tatum
Dave Schultz Mark Ruffalo
Set Fire to the Stars Dylan Thomas Celyn Jones
John Malcolm Brinnin Elijah Wood
American Sniper Chris Kyle Bradley Cooper
Get On Up James Brown Chadwick Boseman
Mr. Turner J.M.W. Turner Timothy Spall
Selma Martin Luther King David Oyelowo
Boyun Eğmez Louis Zamperini Jack O'Connell
The Gabby Douglas Story Gabby Douglas Sydney Mikayla(7–12 yaşındaki) ve Imani Hakim (13–16 yaşındaki)
Getúlio Getúlio Vargas Tony Ramos
Yapay Oyun Alan Turing Benedict Cumberbatch
Lizzie Borden Took An Ax Lizzie Borden Christina Ricci
Aşk ve Merhamet Brian Wilson Paul Dano ve John Cusack
Não Pare na Pista Paulo Coelho Júlio Andrade
Houdini Harry Houdini Adrien Brody
The Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story Cast of Saved by the Bell Various actors
Tim Maia Tim Maia Robson Nunes and Babu Santana
The Brittany Murphy Story Brittany Murphy Amanda Fuller
Mary Kom Mary Kom Priyanka Chopra
Aaliyah: The Princess of R&B Aaliyah Alexandra Shipp
Rang Rasiya Raja Ravi Varma Randeep Hooda
Her Şeyin Teorisi Stephen Hawking Eddie Redmayne
Pride Mark Ashton Ben Schnetzer
2015 Bessie Bessie Smith Queen Latifah
Cleveland Abduction Michelle Knight Taryn Manning
Amanda Berry Samantha Droke
Gina DeJesus Katie Sarife
M. S. Dhoni: The Untold Story M. S. Dhoni Sushant Singh Rajput
Whitney Whitney Houston Yaya DaCosta
Walt Before Mickey Walt Disney Thomas Ian Nicholas
Straight Outta Compton DJ Yella Neil Brown Jr.
Dr. Dre Corey Hawkins
Eazy-E Jason Mitchell
Ice Cube O'Shea Jackson Jr.
MC Ren Aldis Hodge
Experimenter Stanley Milgram Peter Sarsgaard
Steve Jobs Steve Jobs Michael Fassbender
Truth Dan Rather Robert Redford
Mary Mapes Cate Blanchett
The Unauthorized Full House Story Cast of Full House Various actors
The Gamechangers Sam Houser Daniel Radcliffe
Jack Thompson Bill Paxton
Pawn Sacrifice Bobby Fischer Tobey Macguire
Life Dennis Stock Robert Pattinson
James Dean Dane DeHaan
The Program Lance Armstrong Ben Foster
Felix Manalo Felix Ysagun Manalo Dennis Trillo
Trumbo Dalton Trumbo Bryan Cranston
Danimarkalı Kız Einar Wegener / Lili Elbe Eddie Redmayne
Gerda Wegener Alicia Vikander
In the Heart of the Sea Owen Chase Chris Hemsworth
George Pollard Jr. Benjamin Walker
Thomas Nickerson Tom Holland (young), Brendan Gleeson (older)
Freeheld Laurel Hester Julianne Moore
Joy Joy Mangano Jennifer Lawrence (yaşlı), Isabella Cramp (genç)
Diriliş Hugh Glass Leonardo DiCaprio
2016 Hail, Caesar! Eddie Mannix Josh Brolin
The Founder Ray Kroc Michael Keaton
Race Jesse Owens Stephan James
Miles Ahead Miles Davis Don Cheadle
The Wizard of Lies Bernard Madoff Robert De Niro
The Lost City of Z Percy Fawcett Charlie Hunnam
Hands of Stone Roberto Durán Édgar Ramírez
Ray Arcel Robert De Niro
Bleed for This Vinny Pazienza Miles Teller
Snowden Edward Snowden Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Houdini and Doyle Harry Houdini Michael Weston
Arthur Conan Doyle Stephen Mangan
The Godmother Griselda Blanco Catherine Zeta-Jones
Confirmation Anita Hill Kerry Washington
I Saw the Light Hank Williams Tom Hiddleston
Mary Shelley's Monster Mary Shelley Sophie Turner
Percy Bysshe Shelley Jeremy Irvine
The Birth of a Nation Nat Turner Nate Parker
2017 Jackie[3] Jacqueline Kennedy Natalie Portman
Felt[4][5] Mark Felt Liam Neeson
The Greatest Showman on Earth P.T. Barnum Hugh Jackman
Enzo Ferrari[6] Enzo Ferrari Christian Bale
TBA Richard Pryor: Is It Something I Said?[7] Richard Pryor Mike Epps
TBA Hacksaw Ridge Desmond Doss Andrew Garfield
TBA Untitled John Belushi Biopic[8][9] John Belushi Emile Hirsch
TBA Born to Be Blue Chet Baker Ethan Hawke
TBA The Deep Blue Good-by[10] Travis McGee Christian Bale
TBA Sully[11] Chesley Sullenberger Tom Hanks
TBA Rebel in the Rye[12][13] J. D. Salinger Nicholas Hoult
TBA Madoff Bernie Madoff Richard Dreyfuss
TBA The Reaper Nicholas Irving TBA
TBA Stop Snitchin William King and Antonio Murray TBA
TBA The Golden Suicides[14][15] Theresa Duncan TBA
Jeremy Blake TBA
TBA The Fifth Beatle Brian Epstein TBA
TBA The First[16] Mary Pickford Lily Rabe
TBA The Story of Dr. Seuss [17] Dr. Seuss Johnny Depp
TBA Pele Pele Kevin de Paula
TBA Tupac[18] Tupac Shakur TBA
TBA Untitled Elvis Presley Project[19] Elvis Presley TBA
TBA Florence Foster Jenkins Florence Foster Jenkins Meryl Streep
TBA Blonde[20] Marilyn Monroe Jessica Chastain
TBA Sexual Healing[21] Marvin Gaye Jesse L. Martin
TBA Untitled Evel Knievel Project[22][23] Evel Knievel Channing Tatum
TBA The Man Who Made It Snow[24] Max Mermelstein Jake Gyllenhaal
TBA Untitled Harriet Tubman Project[25] Harriet Tubman Viola Davis
TBA LBJ Lyndon Baines Johnson Woody Harrelson
TBA Untitled Lucille Ball biopic[26] Lucille Ball Cate Blanchett
TBA Africa[27] Richard Leakey Brad Pitt
TBA Untitled Barbara Jordan Biopic[28] Barbara Jordan Viola Davis
TBA Untitled Lee Miller Project[29] Lee Miller Kate Winslet
TBA Untitled Noel Coward Biopic[30] Noel Coward Chris Colfer
TBA Sinatra[31] Frank Sinatra TBA
TBA Ramones The Ramones TBA
TBA Bohemian Rhapsody[32][33] Freddie Mercury TBA
TBA Untitled Sam Cooke Biopic[34] Sam Cooke TBA
TBA I'm Proud of You[35] Fred Rogers TBA
TBA Tyson[36] Mike Tyson Jamie Foxx
TBA Megan Leavey[37] Megan Leavey Kate Mara
TBA Amy Winehouse[38] Amy Winehouse Noomi Rapace
TBA The Day the Laughter Stopped[39] Roscoe Arbuckle Eric Stonestreet
TBA Untitled Lizzie Borden Project[40] Lizzie Borden Chloë Sevigny
TBA Untitled Carl Sagan Biopic Carl Sagan TBA
TBA Nice Guy Phil[41] Phil Hartman Daran Norris
TBA My Fight/Your Fight[42] Ronda Rousey herself
TBA Crossface[43][44] Chris Benoit Liev Schreiber
TBA Untitled MLK Jr. Project[45] Martin Luther King Jr. Jamie Foxx
TBA Untitled Jimi Hendrix Project[46] Jimi Hendrix TBA
TBA Untitled Aretha Franklin Biopic[47] Aretha Franklin TBA
TBA Untitled Thomas Edison Project[48] Thomas Edison TBA
TBA The Muppet Man[49] Jim Henson TBA
TBA Untitled Joe Louis Biopic[50] Joe Louis TBA
TBA Untitled Jesse Owens Biopic[51] Jesse Owens Anthony Mackie
TBA Untitled Paul Robeson Project[52] Paul Robeson Harry Belafonte
TBA It's What I Do[53] Lynsey Addario Jennifer Lawrence
TBA Janis Joplin: Get It While You Can[54] Janis Joplin Amy Adams
TBA Rocketman[55] Elton John Tom Hardy
TBA Fela[56] Fela Kuti TBA
TBA Einstein Albert Einstein TBA
TBA A Man's World[57] Emile Griffith TBA
TBA Untitled Marion Barry Project[58] Marion Barry Eddie Murphy
TBA Van Cliburn[59] Van Cliburn Ansel Elgort
TBA Rasputin[60] Grigori Rasputin Leonardo DiCaprio
TBA TBA Monty Clift Matt Bomer
TBA Callas[61] Maria Callas Noomi Rapace
TBA The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara[62] Edgardo Mortara TBA
TBA Untitled Buddy Cianci Biopic[63] Buddy Cianci TBA
TBA Untitled Ian Fleming Biopic Ian Fleming TBA
TBA Untitled Tennessee Williams Biopic[64] Tennessee Williams TBA
TBA Gorbachev[65] Mikhail Gorbachev TBA
TBA Rodham[66][67] Hillary Clinton TBA
TBA Dali[68] Salvador Dali TBA
TBA Untitled Joe Namath Project[69] Joe Namath TBA
TBA Young Woman and the Sea[70][71] Gertrude Ederle Lily James
TBA Untitled Billy Miske Project[72] Billy Miske Sam Rockwell
TBA Kinison[73] Sam Kinison Josh Gad
TBA Final Portrait[74] Alberto Giacometti Geoffrey Rush
TBA Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland[75] Judy Garland Anne Hathaway
TBA Lombardi[76] Vince Lombardi Robert De Niro
TBA Poe Edgar Allan Poe TBA
TBA Untitled Sir Isaac Newton Project Isaac Newton TBA
TBA Untitled Bill Hicks Project[77] Bill Hicks TBA
TBA Joe Petrosino[78] Joe Petrosino TBA
TBA Atari[79] Nolan Bushnell TBA
TBA Untitled Jerry Lee Lewis Project[80] Jerry Lee Lewis TBA
TBA Birth of the Dragon[81] Bruce Lee TBA
TBA The Dive[82] Audrey Mestre Jennifer Lawrence
Francisco Ferreras TBA
TBA K Blows Top[83] Nikita Khrushchev Paul Giamatti
TBA Spinning Gold[84][85] Neil Bogart Justin Timberlake
TBA Neruda[86] Pablo Neruda Luis Gnecco
TBA On the Basis of Sex Ruth Bader Ginsburg Natalie Portman
TBA Happy Valley[87] Joe Paterno Al Pacino


  1. Film (2012-02-24). "Amen - A Gay Activist's Life on 70mm". DNA newspaper www.dnaindia.com. 10 Mart 2012 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20120310002018/http://www.dnaindia.com:80/entertainment/report_amen-a-gay-rights-activists-life-on-70mm_1654239.
  2. Film (2012-10-23). "Karan Mehra bases his role as a homosexual on activist Harish Iyer". Mid-Day newspaper www.mid-day.com. 24 Kasım 2013 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20131124080202/http://www.mid-day.com:80/entertainment/2012/oct/231012-Karan-Mehra-bases-his-role-as-a-homosexual-on-activist-Harish-Iyer.htm.
  3. Hopewell, John. "Natalie Portman to Star as Jacqueline Kennedy in New Drama (EXCLUSIVE)". 8 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151208100421/http://variety.com/2015/film/markets-festivals/natalie-portman-jackie-kennedy-darren-aronofsky-pablo-larrain-insiders-1201495805/. Erişim tarihi: 17 October 2015.
  4. Jones, Nate. "Deep Throat Movie to Let Liam Neeson Show Off a New Particular Set of Skills". 17 Kasım 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151117033956/http://www.vulture.com/2015/11/liam-neeson-deep-throat-movie-mark-felt.html?mid=imdb. Erişim tarihi: 11 November 2015.
  5. IMDb'de Felt
  6. IMDb'de Enzo Ferrari
  7. Fleming Jr., Mike. "Richard Pryor Pic Set; Oprah Winfrey To Play His Brothel-Owner Grandma, Eddie Murphy “Uncle” Buck, Mike Epps And Kate Hudson As Pryor And Wife Jennifer". 8 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151208103202/http://deadline.com/2015/08/richard-pryor-oprah-winfrey-eddie-murphy-mike-epps-kate-hudson-lee-daniels-harvey-weinstein-1201509601/. Erişim tarihi: 27 October 2015.
  8. Grow, Kory. "Emile Hirsch to Play John Belushi in Biopic". 5 Mayıs 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20150505161215/http://www.rollingstone.com:80/movies/news/emile-hirsch-to-play-john-belushi-in-biopic-20131028. Erişim tarihi: 30 September 2015.
  9. IMDb'de Untitled John Belushi Project
  10. IMDb'de The Deep Blue Good-By
  11. Chitwood, Adam. "Filming Begins on Clint Eastwood’s ‘Sully’ with Tom Hanks". 19 Ekim 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151019130534/http://collider.com/sully-movie-filming-clint-eastwood-tom-hanks/. Erişim tarihi: 2 October 2015.
  12. McNary, Dave. "Nicholas Hoult to Play Author J.D. Salinger in ‘Rebel in the Rye’". 11 Ekim 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151011175456/http://variety.com/2015/film/news/nicholas-hoult-to-play-author-jd-salinger-in-rebel-in-the-rye-1201581935/. Erişim tarihi: 30 September 2015.
  13. IMDb'de Rebel in the Rye
  14. Fleming, Michael. "Scribes make suicide pact". 17 Kasım 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151117035103/http://variety.com/2009/film/markets-festivals/scribes-make-suicide-pact-1118009900/. Erişim tarihi: 20 October 2015.
  15. IMDb'de The Golden Suicides
  16. IMDb'de The First
  17. Kit, Borys (October 6, 2011). "Johnny Depp to Become Dr. Seuss for Illumination and Universal (Exclusive)". The Hollywood Reporter. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/risky-business/johnny-depp-dr-seuss-universal-illumination-245072. Erişim tarihi: October 2, 2015.
  18. Obenson, Tambay. "Carl Franklin Is Casting an Actor for His Tupac Bio (No Marcc Rose from 'Straight Outta Compton'?)". 6 Ekim 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151006164744/http://blogs.indiewire.com/shadowandact/carl-franklin-is-casting-an-actor-for-his-tupac-bio-no-marcc-rose-from-straight-outta-compton-20150831. Erişim tarihi: 5 October 2015.
  19. IMDb'de Untitled Elvis Presley Project
  20. Child, Ben. "Jessica Chastain to play Marilyn Monroe in Hollywood biopic". 21 Kasım 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151121223517/http://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/apr/24/jessica-chastain-to-play-marilyn-monroe-on-screen. Erişim tarihi: 15 October 2015.
  21. IMDb'de Sexual Healing
  22. IMDb'de Untitled Evel Knievel Project
  23. Chitwood, Adam. "Martin Scorsese Could Reteam with ‘Departed’ Scribe for Evel Knievel Movie". 27 Kasım 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151127093137/http://collider.com/martin-scorsese-evel-knievel-movie-william-monahan/. Erişim tarihi: 23 November 2015.
  24. McClintock, Pamela. "Weinstein Co. Lands Jake Gyllenhaal, Antoine Fuqua's 'The Man Who Made It Snow'". 26 Kasım 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151126222104/http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/weinstein-lands-jake-gyllenhaal-antoine-770457. Erişim tarihi: 25 September 2015.
  25. Littleton, Cynthia. "Viola Davis Developing Harriet Tubman Movie at HBO". 8 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151208164154/http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/viola-davis-harriet-tubman-hbo-kirk-ellis-movie-1201480848/. Erişim tarihi: 12 October 2015.
  26. Schneider, Jeff. "Cate Blanchett to Play Lucille Ball in Biopic Written by Aaron Sorkin (Exclusive)". 27 Kasım 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151127092840/http://www.thewrap.com/cate-blanchett-lucille-ball-aaron-sorkin-biopic-escape-artists-exclusive/. Erişim tarihi: 9/3/15.
  27. Schneider, Jeff. "Brad Pitt in Negotiations to Star in Angelina Jolie’s ‘Africa’ (Exclusive)". 26 Mayıs 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20150526233226/http://www.thewrap.com:80/brad-pitt-in-negotiations-to-star-in-angelina-jolies-africa-exclusive/. Erişim tarihi: 26 September 2015.
  28. Littleton, Cynthia. "Viola Davis dives in to Barbara Jordan biopic". 8 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151208180836/http://variety.com/2012/film/news/viola-davis-dives-in-to-barbara-jordan-biopic-1118051235/. Erişim tarihi: 12 October 2015.
  29. Fleming Jr., Mike. "Kate Winslet Attaches To Play WWII Correspondent Lee Miller". 8 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151208162233/http://deadline.com/2015/10/kate-winslet-lee-miller-wwii-correspondent-1201579641/. Erişim tarihi: 14 October 2015.
  30. Towers, Andrea. "Chris Colfer may lead Noel Coward biopic". 4 Ağustos 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20150804094922/http://www.ew.com/article/2014/05/14/chris-colfer-noel-coward-biopic. Erişim tarihi: 26 October 2015.
  31. IMDb'de SInatra
  32. Fleming Jr, Mike. "‘Theory Of Everything’s Anthony McCarten Scripting Freddie Mercury Pic For GK Films; Ben Whishaw In The Wings?". 26 Kasım 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151126180102/http://deadline.com/2015/11/freddie-mercury-queen-anthony-mccarten-ben-whishaw-theory-of-everything-1201629179/. Erişim tarihi: 19 November 2015.
  33. IMDb'de Untitled Freddie Mercury Biopic
  34. Kit, Borys. "Sam Cooke Getting Biopic Treatment (Exclusive)". 12 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151212031300/http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/sam-cooke-getting-biopic-treatment-782557. Erişim tarihi: 13 October 2015.
  35. Bishop, Bryan. "'Little Miss Sunshine' directors sign up for Mr. Rogers movie 'I'm Proud of You'". 19 Mayıs 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20150519002125/http://www.theverge.com:80/2013/9/28/4778680/little-miss-sunshine-directors-sign-up-for-mr-rogers-movie-im-proud. Erişim tarihi: 12 October 2015.
  36. IMDb'de Untitled Mike Tyson Biopic
  37. Barraclough, Leo. "House of Cards’ Star Kate Mara to Play Iraq War Hero Megan Leavey". 8 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151208141103/http://variety.com/2015/film/global/house-of-cards-star-kate-mara-to-play-iraq-war-hero-megan-leavey-1201558979/. Erişim tarihi: 7 September 2015.
  38. Ge, Linda. "Noomi Rapace in Talks to Play Amy Winehouse in Biopic". 8 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151208190319/http://www.thewrap.com/noomi-rapace-in-talks-to-play-amy-winehouse-in-biopic/. Erişim tarihi: 16 November 2015.
  39. Adalian, Josef. "Modern Family Star Eric Stonestreet Will Bring the Sad Saga of Fatty Arbuckle to HBO". 8 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151208110602/http://www.vulture.com/2011/08/modern_family_star_eric_stones.html. Erişim tarihi: 26 October 2015.
  40. IMDb'de Untitled Lizzie Borden Project
  41. Romano, Nick. "Jason Priestley Is Directing a Biopic About ‘SNL’ Vet Phil Hartman". 8 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151208162052/http://collider.com/jason-priestley-phil-hartman-biopic-movie/. Erişim tarihi: 4 December 2015.
  42. Kroll, Justin. "Ronda Rousey to Star in Film Based on Her Autobiography (EXCLUSIVE)". 17 Kasım 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151117063655/http://variety.com/2015/film/news/ronda-rousey-biopic-autobiography-my-fight-your-fight-1201553460/. Erişim tarihi: 17 October 2015.
  43. Film (2011-12-03). "WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit Film Biopic CROSSFACE To Re-Tell Tragedy". Whatculture.com. 8 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151208044148/http://whatculture.com/film/wwe-wrestler-chris-benoit-film-biopic-crossface-to-re-tell-tragedy.php. Erişim tarihi: 2012-05-29.
  44. IMDb'de Crossface
  45. IMDb'de Untitled Martin Luther King Jr. Project
  46. IMDb'de Untitled Jimi Hendrix Project
  47. Lee, Benjamin. "Dream role: Jennifer Hudson in talks to play Aretha Franklin in new biopic". 26 Eylül 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20150926041400/http://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/aug/18/dream-role-jennifer-hudson-in-talks-to-play-aretha-franklin-new-biopic. Erişim tarihi: 25 September 2015.
  48. Sneider, Jeff. "J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot Developing Thomas Edison Movie at Paramount (Exclusive)". 8 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151208194154/http://www.thewrap.com/j-j-abrams-bad-robot-developing-thomas-edison-movie-at-paramount-exclusive/. Erişim tarihi: 20 November 2015.
  49. IMDb'de The Muppet Man
  50. McNary, Dave. "Joe Louis Movie Biopic in Development (EXCLUSIVE)". 8 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151208160038/http://variety.com/2015/film/news/joe-louis-movie-biopic-development-1201634013/. Erişim tarihi: 5 November 2015.
  51. IMDb'de Untitled Jesse Owens Biopic
  52. IMDb'de Untitled Paul Robeson Project
  53. Fleming Jr., Mike. "Jennifer Lawrence, Steven Spielberg & Warner Bros Land War Photog Memoir ‘It’s What I Do’". 21 Kasım 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151121183047/http://deadline.com/2015/03/steven-spielberg-jennifer-lawrence-warner-bros-its-what-i-do-lynsey-addario-war-photographer-1201384706/. Erişim tarihi: 29 September 2015.
  54. Grow, Kory. "Amy Adams' Long-Delayed Janis Joplin Biopic Moves Forward". 21 Kasım 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151121002851/http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/amy-adams-janis-joplin-biopic-moves-forward-20141121. Erişim tarihi: 25 September 2015.
  55. Grow, Kory. "Tom Hardy to Play Elton John in Biopic". 1 Ekim 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151001104053/http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/news/tom-hardy-to-play-elton-john-in-biopic-20131023. Erişim tarihi: 29 September 2015.
  56. McNary, Dave. "Fela Kuti Movie Picks Up Nigerian Director". 10 Ekim 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151010182354/http://variety.com/2013/film/news/fela-kuti-movie-picks-up-nigerian-director-1200613700/. Erişim tarihi: 30 September 2015.
  57. Chitwood, Adam. "‘Room’ Director Lenny Abrahamson to Next Direct Story of Bisexual Boxer Emile Griffith". 12 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151212181312/http://collider.com/lenny-abrahamson-emile-griffith-movie/. Erişim tarihi: 16 November 2015.
  58. Ng, Philiana. "Eddie Murphy to Play Marion Barry in HBO Biopic From Spike Lee". http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/eddie-murphy-marion-barry-spike-lee-hbo-271612. Erişim tarihi: 30 September 2015.
  59. Fleming Jr., Mike. "‘Fault In Our Stars’ Ansel Elgort To Tickle The Ivories In Cold War Saga ‘Van Cliburn’". http://deadline.com/2014/06/ansel-elgort-fault-in-our-stars-van-cliburn-movie-794404/. Erişim tarihi: 12 October 2015.
  60. Fleming Jr., Mike. "Warner Bros Buys ‘Rasputin’ Pitch That Jason Hall Will Write For Leonardo DiCaprio". http://deadline.com/2013/06/warner-bros-buys-rasputin-pitch-that-jason-hall-will-write-for-leonardo-dicaprio-2-515856/. Erişim tarihi: 14 October 2015.
  61. McNary, Dave. "Cannes: Noomi Rapace Starring in Maria Callas Biopic". http://variety.com/2015/film/news/cannes-noomi-rapace-starring-in-maria-callas-biopic-1201492456/. Erişim tarihi: 15 October 2015.
  62. Lussier, Germain. "Steven Spielberg To Direct ‘The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara’". http://www.slashfilm.com/steven-spielberg-kidnapping-of-edgardo-mortara/. Erişim tarihi: 26 October 2015.
  63. Chitwood, Adam. "David O. Russell Confirmed to Direct Buddy Cianci Biopic". 12 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151212181335/http://collider.com/david-o-russell-buddy-cianci-biopic/. Erişim tarihi: 12 October 2015.
  64. Busch, Anita. "Broad Green Pictures To Produce Biopic About Tennessee Williams". 12 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151212181338/http://deadline.com/2015/11/tennessee-williams-biopic-movie-broad-green-pictures-1201619163/. Erişim tarihi: 12 November 2015.
  65. Andreeva, Nellie. "Leonardo DiCaprio & Tom Hanks To Produce HBO Movie About Mikhail Gorbachev". 8 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151208155953/http://deadline.com/2013/04/gorbachev-hbo-movie-leonardo-dicaprio-tom-hanks-producers-466494/. Erişim tarihi: 26 October 2015.
  66. McNary, Dave. "Lionsgate’s Hillary Clinton Biopic To Begin Shooting in 2014". 20 Kasım 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151120054744/http://variety.com/2013/film/news/lionsgates-hillary-clinton-biopic-to-begin-shooting-in-2014-1200914940/. Erişim tarihi: 15 October 2015.
  67. IMDb'de Rodham
  68. Lesnick, Silas. "Imagine Entertainment Plans Salvador Dali Biopic". 25 Eylül 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20150925091042/http://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/88175-imagine-entertainment-plans-salvador-dali-biopic. Erişim tarihi: 24 September 2015.
  69. "Untitled Joe Namath Project".
  70. McNary, Dave. "Lily James Starring as Swimmer Gertrude Ederle in ‘Young Woman and the Sea’". 23 Kasım 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151123102623/http://variety.com/2015/film/news/lily-james-gertrude-ederle-young-woman-and-the-sea-1201631830/. Erişim tarihi: 23 November 2015.
  71. IMDb'de Young Woman and the Sea
  72. Franklin, Garth. "Sam Rockwell To Play Billy Miske". http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/26242/sam-rockwell-to-play-billy-miske. Erişim tarihi: 24 September 2015.
  73. Fleming Jr., Mike. "‘Book Of Mormon’s Josh Gad To Play Sam Kinison In Larry Charles-Directed Feature". 11 Mayıs 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20150511045133/http://deadline.com:80/2013/08/book-of-mormons-josh-gad-to-play-sam-kinison-in-larry-charles-directed-feature-556931/. Erişim tarihi: 29 September 2015.
  74. IMDb'de Final Portrait
  75. IMDb'de Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland
  76. McNary, Dave. "Vince Lombardi Biopic Gets ‘All Is Lost’ Director". 8 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151208162030/http://variety.com/2013/film/news/vince-lombardi-biopic-gets-all-is-lost-director-1200911417/. Erişim tarihi: 13 October 2015.
  77. Barnes, Henry. "Russell Crowe to direct Bill Hicks biopic". 2 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151202010811/http://www.theguardian.com/film/2012/jul/24/russell-crowe-bill-hicks-biopic. Erişim tarihi: 25 September 2015.
  78. IMDb'de Joe Petrosino
  79. IMDb'de Atari
  80. IMDb'de Untitled Jerry Lee Lewis Project
  81. IMDb'de Birth of the Dragon
  82. IMDb'de The Dive
  83. Vary, Adam B.. "Paul Giamatti to play Soviet leader in HBO biopic". 12 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151212181357/http://www.ew.com/article/2010/07/28/paul-giamatti-to-play-khrushchev-for-hbo. Erişim tarihi: 29 October 2015.
  84. McClintock, Pamela. "Spike Lee in Early Talks to Direct Neil Bogart Biopic 'Spinning Gold' (Exclusive)". 12 Aralık 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151212181404/http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/spike-lee-early-talks-direct-652028. Erişim tarihi: 24 September 2015.
  85. IMDb'de Spinning Gold
  86. IMDb'de Neruda
  87. Andreeva, Nevillie. "HBO Suspends Pre-Production On Joe Paterno Movie With Brian De Palma & Al Pacino". 1 Mayıs 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20150501013120/http://deadline.com:80/2014/09/joe-paterno-movie-suspended-hbo-happy-valley-al-pacino-brian-de-palma-836931/. Erişim tarihi: 26 September 2015.
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